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Janet Ricketts

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Posts posted by Janet Ricketts

  1. Art,

    You forgot to mention one very important point - YOU are the one that twisted Donna McCullen's arm to step up and commit to doing the meet. You worked very hard to get a 2005 Winter Meet on the books. If it weren't for your determination as Chairman of National Activities, it would not have been possible. We thank you for your dedication to AACA and the passion you have for this great hobby.

    Janet <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

  2. Sky, The Winter National Meet is going to be hosted by the North Central Florida Region in Gainesville, FL. The meet will be held on March 3-5, 2005; host hotel is the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center Gainesville. Showfield is on the grounds of the University.

    Janet R.

  3. Pat,

    This is one of the best threads I have enjoyed in a long time. I feel that making some of the CJE programs available online along with the judging school has a lot of merit. I believe my fellow board members and the judging committee will look at this recommendation in a positive manner.

    I agree with Ron's comments about getting back to the basics in judging. All you have to do is to talk to Bo Croley, VP Class Judging, and you will find that he echoes those remarks wholeheartedly.

    Janet R.

  4. Judy,

    Boy some people will do anything for attention! Sorry, Judy, I just couldn't resist. All kidding aside, we are so glad you are home, which will speed your recovery, especially with Barker's great care. Looking forward to seeing you down the road.

    Janet <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

  5. Barker,

    Sorry to hear about Judy's illness. We knew that she did not feel that great in Philly, but I noticed it did not keep her from hanging out in the hospitality suite - she is a trooper.

    Give Judy our best!


  6. Wayne,

    I don't know, you all sound like a bunch of whimps to me. I have been going to Philadelphia for about sixteen years and I have NEVER come home sick. Most of the time I arrive on Wednesday, leave on Sunday, and ususally do not have the luxury of going outside during my stay.

    There may have been some problems this year, but I have experienced much worse in a lot of other hotels.


  7. Ron,

    Just want to clear up an earlier post you made about the presentation of the Master Editor and Master Webmaster Awards. I can assure you that they will be continued to be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet. This year the presentations will be a little different because the national President will actually present the awards to the award winners. I spoke with President Vicini and he agreed that it was important to recognize this group just like any other award winners. (This is something that I always wanted to change).

    One of the award winners is working on slides for me so that we can show the home page of the websites as the winners come forward at the banquet, similar to the Master Editor Award presentations.


  8. Dear Olds442,

    Peter H. is right, the website ifself is going to have some major changes coming up. As for when the AGNM info will be going up, I can not say at this time. However, I can tell you that information concerning meets will be posted on the internet much faster than in the past. We have several national events coming up before the AGNM, keep watching as they unfold.

    Janet R.

  9. Update on the Master Editor Awards,

    Sherm Carey told me today that the letters are in the mail - so keep watching.

    The newsletter editors and the webmasters are the backbone of AACA and your regions and chapters. You are truly the most valuable members in your club.

    If the issue of time surfaces again concerning the length of the Awards Banquet, I do want to go down on record as saying that I am opposed to moving the awards presentation for editors and webmaster to another time slot during the Annual Meeting. To honor our members at the Annual Awards Banquet who give thanklessly of their time and talent to further AACA and the hobby is a small thank you.

    You are much appreciated and I send my CONGRATULATIONS to all Editors and Webmasters in AACA.

    Janet R. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

  10. Hell-o to all the editors and webmasters,

    I hope my letters really didn't get out in the mail too late. I work very long hours and tried my best to get them out in a timely manner. As for the letter from Dave Zimmerman that was written to Rocky, Ron B. is correct in his statement above. Rocky's letter from Dave Z. was to announce that he has been selected to receive an Annual Award at the Awards Banquet (the Spark Plug Award). The letter should have stated that he was selected by the Internet Committee for this Annual Award, not the Publications Committee.

    The process is a little confusing in that the Internet Committee does the work and makes the selection, but the VP National Awards writes the letter to the recipient of the Spark Plug Award. I was not copied on the letter that went to Rocky; not having seen it, I am not sure exacttly what it said.

    Rocky, however, did receive a letter from me stating that he was also selected as a Master Webmaster award winner for 2003 in addition to the Spark Plug Award.

    The letters concerning the Master Webmaster Awards are sent out by the Internet Committee.

    As far as the Master Editor Awards, Sherm Carey will be sending them out shortly. You have to give him a little slack because it is his first year in this position. I am sure you will be hearing from him soon.

    I hope this clears up who does what.

    There were 7 webmasters selected for the 2003 Master Webmaster Awards. Congratulations to all!

    Janet R.

  11. As Peter mentioned the pastor included as part of the service many of the remarks that were made on the forum about Dave. What was interesting was he chose comments made by those who did not know him as well as those who did. Your spirit was with all of us at the service.

    I did want to share with you a special part of the service at the grave site. The pastor had a card (more like a booklet) from Dave?s parents that was given to him upon his graduation. Apparently, it was very special to Dave as he kept it all these years. The pastor read a couple of verses from the card. I was taken with one particular verse, in which Dave underlined certain words.

    I shall pass through this world but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show or any <span style="font-weight: bold">good thing</span> <span style="font-weight: bold">I can do</span> , let me <span style="font-weight: bold">do it now</span> , let me not <span style="font-weight: bold">not defer it</span> or <span style="font-weight: bold">neglect it</span> for I shall <span style="font-weight: bold">not pass this way again</span> .

    I think all of us that knew Dave can attest that he lived by these word.

    Joe Vicini, AACA President, was asked to say a few words at Dave's service; he did a very nice job representing AACA.


  12. Wayne,

    Prior to serving as a national director, Dave served on the National Judging Committee for six years. During that time he held the position of Chairman Judges Training. He was involved in a major revision of the judging form that we use today at national meets.

    Dave received two national awards from AACA for his contribution to the success of the AACA Judging Program. He was respected by his fellow board members and a good friend to all.

    During 1999, when I was president of AACA, the Tucson Region under Dave Wunsch?s leadership hosted two AACA back to back national meets - the Western Division National Meet and the AGNM. Dave had three packed days planned of activities. He made me feel very special during my stay and even offered his Cadillac for me to use on the Western Divisional Tour held in Sedona, AZ immediately following the two meets in Tucson. I have wonderful memories of my visit out west thanks to Dave.

    He will be missed by all who knew him.


  13. Steve,

    I bought a '38 Buick about 5 years ago; it has always been a trailer queen since that time. But today was my day to finally drive my car to a show, which was about 25 miles from my home. I mentioned to my husband several weeks ago that I really wanted to drive the car and thanks to him, it was ready for me to drive today.

    I must admit, I was a bit nervous between the traffic and the stop lights. The brakes are not the greatest and I found myself just about in the middle of an intersection when trying to stop. The car is like trying to navigate a pumpkin down the road. Of course, I had my husband critiquing every move - make sure the clutch is all the way; don't shift too fast; slow down well in advance of the lights; listen to the engine - don't drive too fast, etc. I managed to get us there in one piece and enjoyed the drive inspite of all the comments.

    My vehicle was chosen to be part of a local television show on old cars in the Tampa Bay area. I had an opportunity to talk about AACA and the important role it plays in the hobby. Yes it was a fun day!


  14. Sal,

    No, I wasn't wearing a name tag; he was an old fashion business man who just went with his feelings about people - hard to believe coming from a dealer. That will teach me to make an offer, which he had refused, but then called me at the end of the day on my cell phone to say the car was mine.

    Always enjoy Rick's annual party.

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