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Posts posted by altonbrwr68

  1. So i have done some research and i think im going to switch it to a 12 volt system. after talking to my father about it.

    we both agree that 12 volt would be more practical for a driver. i found a kit that includes everything i will need to change it over. 

    it doesnt seem like it will be that bad to change over . then my plans are to redo the brake system and fuel system. 

    i also need a new floor mate the one that was in it is gone . and i need a new chrome strip one of mine is bent. 


    Is there any other problems that is common for these cars that i should know about. 


    Ben i would like that alot i know im going to have alot of questions about this car im a mechanic but not to familiar with old buicks. 


  2. thank you guys for all the help and support im excited to start on this car. im thinking about buying the conversion kit to change to 12 volt . and making it a driver not just a shower. any other info you guys can pass on i will need it lol. 

  3. Thats cool im not wanting to sell it just trying to decide if i want to upgrade the 6 volt system to 12 or leave everything stock. im really wanting to restore it and show it just not sure what all i should change or do. im new to this whole thing. so any help would be appreciated. 

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