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Stude Oz

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Posts posted by Stude Oz

  1. Sorry for the dumb questions but I am a newbie to this era of vehicle. I am rebuilding a motor which has been previously reconditioned but has sat for some time with water in it. I have a few questions and hopefully someone can assist me with the answers:

    1. I turned the engine over on the starter and it pumped a heap of scale/rust into the water pump, which in turn split the pump housing. I replaced the housing and removed the head, and scratched and scraped as much of the water jacket as I could reach, removing most loose stuff with a magnet. I intend to flush the block before trying again. How do I stop this happening again? Should the radiator water include an inhibitor?

    2. How do I seal the head bolts which go through the water jacket?

    3. I can’t find any head bolt torque in any Studebaker documentation. Is there a rule of thumb for this?

    Thanks in advance. Really appreciate the help.


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