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About DecoDog

  • Birthday 12/04/1997

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    McKean County, Pennsylvania

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  1. Some great insight here. I was confused when I replaced the oil to find that the car isn’t leaking anymore, at least not in a way that leaves a puddle right away like it used to. Oil was milky and dark when I drained it from the transmission, so I’m assuming it was well past it’s point of usefulness. New oil in the transmission seems to have either softened the seals again as you suggested, or the oil weight is better suited than the previous owner had installed.
  2. Thank you very much! This is extremely helpful. My model has a overdrive as well, and I’ve actually yet to find a second drain port, but I was also in a poorly lit claustrophobic underside of the car. I’ll have to double check tomorrow. For the time being got the transmission filled with SAE 90 as the owners manual specifies for overdrive equipped transmissions.
  3. Thanks for the tip! Borrowing up my stepfathers toolkit today, as he said he’s got something that’ll fit. I’ll keep this in mind as I’m fiddling with the plug, it is in a rather inconvenient spot.
  4. Yes! The car does have an overdrive, which does add a bit of complexity to the transmission for sure. Comparing diagrams there’s a whole extra one and a half feet of transmission to account for with numerous extra seals, so it’ll certainly be an undertaking down the line. I believe the original manual recommended 90 weight for a overdrive transmission, but I have been told that well used engines and transmissions require different weights than the original specs might suggest. universal joint is exposed, right at the back of the transmission.
  5. Thanks for the pointer! I hadn’t considered unscrewing the plug, as for some reason I had it in my head that it could only be filled via a pressure system. That should give me the ability to visually check the level. Appreciate it!
  6. Salutations kind Internet car folks! I’ll preface this post by saying I’ve never performed an oil change before. Apologies in advance if this is a no-brainer, but I’m new to the hobby! My 1936 Airstream DeSoto Sedan has a leaky transmission—at the seals on either end it seems from my cursory inspection (This is an issue I knew about when I purchased the car). It’s hard to get a good idea how much leaks, as when it’s sitting it’s just a small pool, but I have the hunch that it leaks significantly more when the oil is warm and the car is moving—but of course it’s hard to monitor a moving car! I don’t currently have the means to have it properly serviced, so for the time being I’m flying blind. I imagine the car is still perfectly drivable so long as I keep the fluids at a healthy level. I was planning on draining the fluids and measuring what comes out, to see how far off the capacity it is and then calculate a rough leak rate. Then, proceed to fill it up and “top it off” every so often to compensate for the loss. My questions would be: -Can you overfill a transmission with fluid, is this easy to accidentally do? (My plan would’ve been to just keep filling the car to “capacity” every so often, but I figure there’s more space in the recess for oil than is required). -Is there a dependable way to check fluid levels besides draining? -What would be your suggestion to dealing with this issue? So far, I’ve clambered under the car to check where the transmission oil drain and fill plugs are, as well as where a bulk of the oil leaks to and placed a dish under to measure the amount while the car sits. As with anything, I’m sure my specific car would change any usual procedure, but a general suggestion is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance for taking the time to share your knowledge with a newbie, I’ll take any tips I can get! (Attached is a photo of what I believe to be my transmission fill point, as well as some of the leaking seals)
  7. Appreciate everyone’s thoughts on this topic. Using all your combined wisdom I managed to get everything sorted! Specialty insurance saved the day. Massive premium but that’s the cost of being a unproven liability! Just put the plates on the car today! Ready for my first full drive this afternoon, up along a sleepy 1930s state park to an ice cream stall. It’s been a stressful journey from purchasing to registering but happy it’s in the rear view now. Thanks to everyone who commented, it’s always exciting seeing a new notification.
  8. I’m fortunate enough to have settled down in a small town, nothing is more than an hours walk away at most—and despite the inconvenience at times there is something to be said about enjoying a slower more healthy commute! I would definitely agree about the insurance companies, it was surprising to me that none of the antique car insurance companies ever bothered to hear my situation, it was a yes or no for eligibility in every case, even the small local insurance brokers are underwritten by the big boys. When I bought my house at just 21 years old, I had the pleasure of dealing with a local bank. They only have three or four branches, but their small size meant that I was able to sit down with the manager and make my case for why they should trust a twenty something with their money. Thanks to the quality of my character and the vouching of folks in the community I got my mortgage, with little to no credit to speak of! As I under stand it this was how things were in the “old days”. Now if only other institutions in America could still function like that there might be a easier way to get a start on living the American dream, rather than locked out to maintain the bottom line. That’s the issue with scale I suppose, but I’m lucky enough to live somewhere with some old fashioned community!
  9. Couldn’t agree more, I have the innate desire to do the RIGHT things rather than the easiest. I don’t mind paying more, stressing more etc. I’m one of those people who worry about everything and if I was trying to game the system I think I’d probably die of a heart attack just from the guilt and stress xD It’s unfortunate that there’s people out there who make things harder for the good folks, but that’s life I suppose.
  10. As an update: After lots of calling and lots of dead ends, I managed to get a policy offer from progressive through a local firm. The insurance is not specifically antique car insurance, but I don’t consider that a problem. The premium is really rather expensive but for all the reasons that were explained by others it makes sense for someone in my position. Now I haven’t received the insurance card yet, which I am supposed to get today if all things go well, but I’ve already made progress with the notary on registration. they suggested I register as BOTH normal and antique, and explained that although I technically need to have it inspected, no one will give me a hard time about it between now and when my antique plates are ready in 6 months (Yowch what a long time!). The idea being I can use the modern plates as a temp way to drive the car to get ice cream or go to the state park for the summer rather than have my car sit around during the nice months. Seems I’m on the right track here, and although things have gotten more expensive than I had anticipated, I’m more than willing to make it work for the sake of being able to enjoy and protect my new pride and joy!
  11. Hey there! Definitely not looking to daily drive a 1930s car for all the reasons you outlined, I just find it rather silly that there’s so many restrictions to protecting it. I don’t mind driving the car very sparingly and having that be enforced, but the idea that somehow not having a modern car titled in my name instantly means I’m going to be using my collector car as some sort of cheap commute workaround is absurd. I’ve been getting around town, to work, on trips, etc perfectly fine without my own vehicle and can continue to do so. So while I understand the reasoning for the various enforcements and eligibility requirements, I am a little frustrated at the extremely limited options I have if I want to be able to enjoy my car as a young person without waiting 2 years, buying a new car, or building/renting a garage. and to answer your question I’m in McKean County in PA!
  12. There’s some names there I haven’t tried yet, so I’ll def add to my call list for Monday morning. Thank you!
  13. Yes, the car does run and drive well, no major operational issues there. As per your suggestion, I did buy both the owners instruction manual, and the reprint dealers repair/inspection book. Light bulbs went out just a day after I got the car, but I was assured that the previous owner had outfitted it to take standard 6volt bulbs so it should be a matter of buying and installing those. The horn isn’t working, and I haven’t found anything to tell me why not yet on my cursory inspection. Those two elements would certainly result in a inspection failure, if in fact they won’t be judging the car against modern safety standards. thanks!
  14. Yep that’s me! I will look into a local broker, we use a tiny firm for my house, and maybe they could help me figure something out. just a shame to realize I realistically won’t be able to drive my exciting new purchase until I can make enough money to buy an entirely new car just to qualify for the antique registration. Suppose that’s my fault for jumping head-first into a big expensive mess, I had thought I’d done all the research I needed! That’s life I suppose!
  15. I’m in Pennsylvania, and my car is a 1936 DeSoto sedan. I wouldn’t mind insuring it as a daily driver (if any insurance company would even be able to offer coverage of a 30’s car for that purpose), but it would need to be inspected as per state law, which the car would most certainly fail spectacularly. It does make things difficult for me. I suppose I could shop around and try to see about the storage unit, but the question remains about the secondary car requirement. thanks for your comment!
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