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Rata Road

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Rata Road last won the day on August 9 2023

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  1. Wow thanks for that Wayne, that's brilliant feedback. I'm looking forward to trying it on one of my cars now.
  2. It looks like a normal NH Holley with different ID plate
  3. I have a 39 Dodge that came with a outboard hand pump that lives permanently in the circuit. If the car is parked up for some time 5 or 6 squeezes brings the fuel up and and it will start first wind. I'm working on my 30 Chev, cleaning fuel tank, fuel lines, fuel pump etc so I have temporary fitted a similar hand pump in the circuit just before the fuel pump. When the fuel lines are empty plus the mechanical fuel pump and the Carb are empty a dozen or so squeezes will fill everything and prime the Carb. And it will start with just a few winds. Too simple.
  4. Well I chose option A and sent the original carb for rebuilding, still waiting for its return. In the meantime I have been flushing the fuel system a hundreds times and finally have it running clean even after 5 hours of circulating the flow from fuel tank outlet to Carb inlet and back to tank filling cap with no inline filters in the circuit just a strainer at the end. Rebuilt Carb should receive a clean supply of fuel.
  5. I adjusted float first, was better and drove smooth about 40 -45 mph but still jerky around 30 mph. Tried adjusting float again but made it worse and it got worse and worse the more options I tried. Just put the spare Carby on and it running rough now also. Discission time, a - spend $800 to get original rebuilt b - Buy a new updraught and make an adapter etc c - Get down draught manifold shaved, find a good down draught then design new linkage system C gets me a much better end result but "a" is easier and probably the cheapest in the end.
  6. Ok, thanks for that advice. Perhaps I should try swapping the floats over first as I did notice notice the levels are set differently. let you know...
  7. Probably could Rusty. Today after another major cleaning process i refitted the original Carb. Starts lovely, idles perfect and for a start I thought I had it fixed but once the motor gets to operating temp when driving it farts about when holding the throttle steady. Its alright under power and was great going up a hill but as soon as I level off it farts and jerks about. The spare carb idles horrible, will only start with the choke out then runs without choke and has no power BUT it runs smooth with the throttle steady so tomorrow I plan to swap the jets over one by one and see if I can keep the idle, starting and power and eliminate the farting. Any other ideas? Both carbs I used a new gasket.
  8. Thanks for all the info guys, I'll keep trying to clean the original. I made up a long thin extension for my air gun and now I can slide that down close to the center jet so maybe that will help clear it. The SF1 sounds like a good option. Driving with the 2nd carb on the car seems to almost lack acceleration, very sedate and slow building up speed when pushed although it is smooth running. I'll keep trying....
  9. The intake manifold I was told is the 32 to 36 Chev, same exhaust outlet position so easy to fit just have a linkage adaption to design. The car has the original RJH-08 and was running fine until black crus from the tank has blocked something, I cant get the center jet out and it has a bad miss when revving. I have since found the same carb but the accelerator pump on the side is missing. I've fitted that and it runs smooth with no missing but idles poorly and has little power under load (I guess from no pump). I have been spraying the carb with carb cleaner then blowing it out for a few days now and I will try refitting that with fingers crossed before I venture in another direction. I'm still having trouble with some black flakes coming through the system, Ive had tank out twice, flushed a hundred times, sealed the inside of the tank etc. I'll get there but I need that sorted before I refit the original. Carbking I'm pleased you jumped in with your opinions. I read somewhere that a guy followed your advice and fitted a Zenith 14991 and is very happy with its performance. I didn't realize the mount is 30 deg out. I'm not looking for performance as I dont drive hard, just a nice idle and a smooth rev with good economy is my perfect carb. When the car arrived a month ago it ran lovely until the crap got into it so it probably doesn't need rebuilt just cleaned, I can get the original carb rebuilt here in NZ for about $800. The center jet has a needle poking through it, I cant see how to remove that jet hence the constant spraying and blowing I'm currently trying. If I did fit a Stromberg SF-1 for example after getting an adapter made is there a linkage mode required also? Thanks for your help guys
  10. I've found a suitable manifold set to convert my 30 Chev AD from up draught to down draught. This Rochester RP was fitted to the manifold. I was hoping to find an adjustable jet Carburetor to use but since I have this I would like your opinion if these are a good carburetor and suitable for this job.
  11. After leaving it alone for several days then later testing I believe I saved this battery. I don't have it in my possession anymore but it tested well with a crank amp tester even after 8 30 sec load tests. Who knows, time will tell.
  12. I'm about to try and soak my Carb. I have given it a heap of "clean a carb" spray but I want to let in soak in something. Suggestions?
  13. When I rev it it breaks down badly with a loud misfire. I took the carb off yesterday, I'll try to clean to best I can. I'm still getting flakes in the carby bowl even when I run the motor off a Gerry can with clean fuel so the only place these bits can come from is already in the Carb? Being up draught carb that passes through the exhaust manifold where is the heat riser? Thanks
  14. Wow thanks so much for the offer and I would have jumped at it but yesterday I thought I would try a replacement Rotor with one I saw in a bag of bits under the rear seat. When I tipped it out I found a selection of Distributor bits in the bag including 4 of those little springs. Hence the I pulled the distributor out again, pulled it apart and greased everything up and reassembled it. It looks like that is working correctly now, I still have the miss when revving but I'm confident its not the distributor now. Thanks again for the offer
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