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Posts posted by TUNEUPMAN

  1. 12 hours ago, TerryB said:

    Seems like the first step would be to get the correct oil pan for your engine instead of guessing at what you have.  Summit racing perhaps?

    well it is the correct pan for the engine. it fit the block perfectly and the oil pickup went in without a hitch. it fit in the car perfectly too. we are on a budget here. we can not just throw money at it. i am asking for help. the engine is in the car and bolted up ready to start. thanx

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  2. hey all, looking for some help here. so i put this 350 chevy together for my son elcamino. 30 over block new cam bearings and all. used the pan that we got with the block. no idea what it is but it fit. used the dipstick out of the 305 that was in the 84 elcamino when we pulled the motor. note: the motor had rods knocking and oddly enough it was the 7 and 8 rods making the noise. we get the motor together, carry it out of the basement and bolt the trans to it and drop it in. hook up the bottom end and drop it off the jacks. dump in 5 quarts of oil and spin the primer around with a drill. oil pressure goes up to 60 and after a few minutes oil is running down al the rockers. let it sit over night and pull the dipstick and over a quart low. dump in another quart and still not at the full mark. i start to think the dipstick is not correct. this is a 3638 casting number block with the dipstick on the passengers side. the shoulder on the tube stops about an inch from the top of the pan rail. what i really need is if someone has a sbc engine with the dipstick still in the block, i need the measurement from the pan rail to the full mark. the oil pan capacity is irrelevant. the oil level is important. the dipstick length is irrelevant as long as it matched the dipstick. i think the dipstick and tube were mismatched in the 305 resulting in a failure. i will not start this motor until i get this right. just a side note. work associate from a few years ago rebuilt a 350 for his dads 56 chevy. it developed a rod knock on rods 1 and 2. he built another 350 for it. same problem rod knock on 1and 2. i asked if he made sure the dipstick read correct. his response... it read a quart overfilled so we just ran it at the full mark. 3rd motor...i suggest that he remark the dipstick at the 5 quart level. motor is still running with no issues after 6 years. i want to get this right the first time.thanx all

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