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Posts posted by ShoeboxTobee123

  1. Hi guys thank you for letting me join. I recently purchased a 51 Ford country squire. I bought it site unseen but so far I am so happy with it.  I have had a few fords and this is the first Woodie.  I’ve dreamt of getting one for 30 years or more.  I was going to turn this one onto a custom job.  But I got it home 4000 mile round trip three day drive.  So didn’t get to look too much in road.  Got it off trailer , Anyways I got into it to discover the headliner seats floors are original and aside from a couple holes in headliner it’s near perfect. Well better than any original interior I’ve seen.  The car has oil change records to 73 and it was last liscenced in 91 when it had 21000 miles the guy said it had sat a good 40 years the previous owner drive it enough to keep the seals from breaking.  The bad thing it sat in a damp barn. It has surface rust and someone tried to do a little bindi repair job on one rocker.  But the inner fender panels and allot of parts that are usually wore are not still shine something I haven’t seen on at least ten cars I’ve had with the original paint.  It has 25000 miles now and the speedometer works great. So if this is the actual mileage but it needs a restoration still should I go all original.  I’ve never found a car wit that low mileage.  

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