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  1. I've been helping my aunt clean out an old garage after her husband has passed. This was in the mix and I'm just trying to see if anyone has any use for it to keep it from being at the dump or as a lawn ornament. The only information I've gotten on this so far is from posting in the general discussion forum on this site. From what I gather it is a 1930's Oldsmobile front end, with wooden spokes. I'm located in central New York in Otego, about 1 hour from Albany or Binghamton. Don't really have any price in mind, more or less want to find a good home. Also, if there is anywhere else this should get listed to have a good chance of getting a home, please let me know. If anyone wants more pictures, just let me know and I'll see what I can do. Thanks in advance.
  2. Thank you everyone for the information! My next question is what would you do with it? I reached out to the Northeast Car Museum that is just over the hill from me to see if anyone would be interested, but no one was. I’ve been offered by a friend to have it be lawn art at his place, but something just doesn’t set right with that to me. Does anyone think this would find a home? Or would I have to set on this for years to have that happen. Open to any suggestions, and again, not looking for the money out of this, rather that it finds a home.
  3. Already learning more. I didn’t think it would be worth much, rather trying to find anyone who could actually use it for its intended purpose.
  4. Otego, NY. I’ll add it to the note as well, thanks Joe
  5. New to this site, trying to find out more information about half a frame I came across while cleaning my late uncles garage. It seems to be the rear half to an old Oldsmobile, but that is all I know. Doing my best to find someone that could use this and keep it out of the landfill, which was probably where it was headed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Located in Otego, NY
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