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Posts posted by packards34

  1. Hi All,

    I was wondering if there is a place online to see the Packard original board minutes, or if anyone has a set for sale or would be willing to do a massive undertaking to copy them?

    Please let me know as I would be most interested.

  2. Hi All,

    A few years back I had a Packard watch that was stolen, it was in a octagonal shape, and the numbers were replaced with the letters P A C K A R D E I G H T

    I have found out from others there may be a few others like it out there. I am looking to buy one if anyone has one for sale.


  3. Hi All,

    I'm new to the AACA forum, but have been on the Packardinfo.com forum for a while. I decided I'd join AACA.


    A few years back I converted a number of Packard training films from 12mm film strips and records to digital format. I have decided to upload these for anyone who may be interested. I have a number of films I will be uploading. I hope you all enjoy.

    The link is:

    Mathew Rattray

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