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Gene Sorensen

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Posts posted by Gene Sorensen

  1. On 11/13/2007 at 3:49 PM, manikmekanik said:

    Hi, Jon!

    QDM = Quad Driver Module = the 4 separate circuits/modules of the ECM. Each module has it's own set of sensors/system to handle. When the 4 don't all return the expected value, the QDM error code is displayed.

    Best to spend some quality time with the FSM, and the diags in the car. I once solved a QDM error by replacing the ICM and coils, but would'nt suggest that as the only solution. It could be security, emmissions, crank/cam sensors, or just a bad wire in your harness. I'd need some alone-time with my FSM, and your car, to devine the precise diagnosis.

    What other symptoms have you been experiencing, Jon?

    Sleeplessness? Irritability? maybe even constipation, or restless third-leg syndrome?

    These are all symptoms of a QDM error.

    You should call your Reatta-healthcare professional, and get 'yer prescription re-filled today!

    Way too funny. Thanks for the laugh. A must when dealing with ECM diagnostics and repairs. G SORENSEN   

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