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Posts posted by JasonB23

  1. Hi All, 


    This is a project that my Dad had started over 10 years ago. He had done some research but did not get to anything conclusive. I’m taking over on the research of the project but not sure to what extent of restoration should be done until I find more about the history of the vehicle. Here’s some photo’s of what has been donee day here is what I have found. The guy who we bought it from said his Dad had purchased it from a guy in New York/Pennsylvania. We just have a certificate of ownership that says Ford. What I’ve been told is that it is a 1932 model A ford speedster seat and a half wide with an original miller racing head.  He also said he raced it in New York but I’m still looking into that. In my findings the body seems to look like a 1932 boattail speedster but besides the certificate saying ford the radiator is ford, miller had built a racing head to specifically fit on this ford engine, we have 2 ford engines and a frame number that I am running into multiple dead ends to find its origin. Any ideas or direction would be greatly appreciated!











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