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Posts posted by 75 TORINO LOVER

  1. Totally agree with tcuda. The more info the First Timer can get prior to showing, the better prepared. We were also sort of lost as to what was expected with the vehicle, had some difficulty getting straight directions to get our Registration packet, but then things calmed down and we had a GREAT time! We'll do it again for sure. A very helpful neighbor in our class told us the basics of what could and could not be in the car. That would be helpful to receive prior to arrival. We only receive our confirmation letter, no other info as to car prep, etc. Now we will be much better prepared for 2009! Thanks to all the AACA folks who were soooo nice and very friendly and helpful.

  2. Sad to say we did see a trailer pulling out amongst the flea market stuff and took the corner too sharply, knocked over and broke several old signs belonging to a vendor, then kept on going. Lady stopped them for the vendor, thought they were going to make good, but then they just kept on going while he yelled at them to stop. Apparently didn't care if he left the vendor with broken goods.

  3. No, but spoke to a judge also showing a car and was told that we can obtain info regarding what areas deductions were made by writing and asking. No score is ever given, but they will give areas of deductions if asked in writing. So...who and where to write for this info?

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed our 1st Hershey! Boy, the feet are still sore though. I totally agree with some sort of consolidation of vendors, such as parts, misc, fleas, etc. Lots of wasted walking. Saw many areas with nothing but junk laying around (not good for sale junk either!). Lots of open spaces, don't know if folks packed up and left early or what. Otherwise a fine show. Need to tack on an extra day next year to take it all in!! Kudos to all the Hershey volunteers that helped make it a success. Only downfall was the lack of assistance trying to locate the Registration tent to pick up needed materials and it was going on 4pm. Asked 5 people, no clear direction to the area. Never walked so fast in my life!! Now we'll know where to go!! Making plans for "09!

  5. Thanks, Dizzy! We will trailer the car from Ohio. I figured the lineup must start in the weeeeee hours of the early morning! How long does that process take, Getting through the line, registering, etc before you are actually parked. If we are staying about 5 miles from the action, is there somewhere to leave the car trailer in order to unload and get the car in line? Can you unload and then leave the trailer for the day? Lots of questions, sorry. thanks for any info back!

  6. Thanks to all for the info. Yes, we have registered and it is in the mail today! Now we need to get the specifics from those of you who've done this before: How and when to prep the car, what if it's pouring rain, time to get to the showgrounds, is 7am too late to get in line, etc. Any and all info will be much appreciated! See you in Hershey!

  7. We are brand new to AACA and have been encouraged to take our 75 Torino to Hershey this year. Can anyone give us any info on the whole process, such as getting there, presenting car, pre-judging cleaning, etc, also any info on how the weekend works, as far as judging, times, when and where to go once we get to Hershey. Is there someplace where the owners "prep" the car prior to judging, is each car assigned a certain spot, etc. We are in Ohio and plan to come in Friday afternoon. We did manage to get a place to stay! Please advise as far as whatever else we need to do or be at. Many thanks to all! Looking forward to an awesome time in Hershey.

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