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Seattle BCA meet

Barney Eaton

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I am looking forward to the July meet in Seattle. On the BCA site, one of the local members posted that they have 180 reservations, but the hotels have over 400 rooms sold. This is fairly common, I guess people figure they can cancel a room if something comes up ....but they don't want to commit $25-35 registration until the last minute. This becomes a problem for the host club in attempting to determine the number of people and cars that will attend.

Fortunately, there is history from past meets that indicate that most of these people will attend ....so 400 rooms means close to 800 people and 300+cars.

I hope if you live in the West and Northwest, you have made your reservations and if you live elsewhere, I hope you can find a way to get to Seattle.

The host chapter people are great, the area is not to be missed and the Reatta Division will have a great time.

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I ask earlier but no one responded. Could some one send me some pictures from the meet? I would love to go seeing how I live 30 minute from where it is being held, but I am in Iraq and will be until November. I would love to see all the Reattas that will be in one spot. So if any one would be kind enough to email me some pictures I would be extremely thankful. SCReatta@gmail.com

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Anything for our heros.

I am currently the assistant director of the Reatta division but am being deposed by my friend George Madsen in the upcoming election and he will be taking over my duties.

I will make sure we get pictures to you.

Thanks for all you are doing for us.


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The 2008 meet is already scheduled for Flint Michigan July 16-20

After the Seattle meet, the BCA site (www.buickclub.org) will probably have pictures of all the Buicks.

Also look at the Reatta Division site for pictures from past events....lots of Reattas. If you are interested, look at the 2002 Rendezvous, the right picture in the middle grouping that says "pig roast in the park" I'm the guy in the green shirt that says "Chisholm Coach"....so if you see me on the street say HI

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