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Opened up the driver's door to replace the windw motor and this thang fell out when the panel was losened - came out from area by the couresy/warning light at lower end of the panel. Appears to have broken off of a black plastic piece. Anyone know what it is ? (see attachment)



On your door panel you have the long 3X20? inch trim piece. There are two of those pieces that snap onto the trim piece to hold it to the panel. One above and one below the door strap pull area.


Just to make matters worse, I hied to the local FLAPS and bought a Dorman 742-100Z power window motor. It is now back at the store since the connector end was redesigned with two longitudinal screws and they include a brass looking mounting bracket for the one bolt at that end.

Trouble is they seemed to dismention the bracket as if it mounted at the head end of the scew (where the connector gets in the way) and only mounts at the nut end where it is not long enough to reach the hole.

All five of the 742-100Z motors in the store had exactly the same wrong bracket.

In the collector world, factory defects often bring a premium but I do not think this counts.

Guest Kitskaboodle

Yes, Jim is correct. I just went through the whole door panel removal and replacement thing.

They basically hold the trim panel snugly to the door panel near the MIDDLE AREA of the trim piece,

where there is no other support. (like a screw, mounting stud, etc...)

Funny...when I saw your attachment I smiled. Why? Because I thought that could possibly happen.....so I glued mine in place before I put the door panel back on! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Your pic proves my theory that they can come off in time. On the good side, I think the only negative is that you might hear a little more rattling than you used to.

Kit / 90 Coupe / 86 Fiero GT


<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> In the good old days it was often a bottle..... </div></div>

I've found an old beer bottle inside the door panel of an AMC. I've heard stories of the kegs supplied at the plant, and of keg seals in more interesting places, like mufflers and tires.

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