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BCA Judging Catagories


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Lately I have been getting some confusing information with regard to entering my Reatta at the BCA National meet in Seattle. I will be driving it to Seattle. These are the classes I want to enter: 1.(Possible Driven Class) It is un-restorded 2.(Possible Un-restored class) and for a real good critical review 3.I thought about the 400 point class.These are a few of the 5 classes shown on the BCA entry form.

On one hand I have been told that I can only enter one class. and then again I have been told that I could enter all 3 of the classes I've mentioned above. I want to get the entry form that came with this month Bugle completed and turned in, but need help.

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Because our cars are newer than 25 years old, you only have three choices at Seattle (and other BCA meets)

* 400 point judging.......this gives you a chance to see what others find wrong with your car.

* Modified class...should be a modified car.

* Display only.... display Reattas are usually parked with 400 point cars but have different color windshield placards...so judges will not judge.

To be in the Driven Class...the car must be 25 year old.

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Guest Reatta1

This also makes it confusing for me. I sent in the form marked for judging in the driven class on my 88 Reatta. Nothing was disputed on that entry in my confirmation packet. I paid the $30 fee for that specific judging entry. As far as I know, that is how my car will be judged. If there is something different, I will need to know what it is and how to correct it.

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Reatta1.....this is a annual problem. The local club is running the show and they assign people within the club to work the registration. It seems their biggest concern is if they are going to fill the tour busses. The people opening your registration do not have a clue to where your car should be classified.

What will happen...sometime between the end of registration and when you show up to pick up your registration packet, the different committees will work their magic on everything and the car classification group will probably catch

the Reatta being in a class for which it does not qualify. If they don't you will be put in the driven class, but the judges will not judge your car because they know it is too new.

So you have two choices. I would contact someone in the Seattle club, listed on the registration form and tell them that there is an error. Hopefully this will get it corrected before you are standing in a registration line.

If it does not get corrected before July 25th, you will need to seek out someone in charge of judging and get it corrected. That will require a new windshield card, with the correct class etc.

As I said earlier, this is an annual problem and the BCA board has made some suggestions, but each club wants to run their own show. Someday the BCA may need to change the procedure to get some of these annual problem under control.

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