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What's on Barney Eatons' BCA Board Plans

Guest Greg Ross

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Guest Greg Ross

I've just been stewing here a bit. Received in the Mail today my "April,'07 Buick Bugle" with the "Board of Directors Ballot" on the cover. Takes a while for them to make it all the way to Canada. In fact I only just got my March Bugle about 2 weeks ago? Anyway on that Ballot;

The only name I recognize is Barney Eaton and he's currently not on the BCA Board.

Excuse me for being direct, I'm heading for Hip Replacement Surgery in about 3 weeks and if anyone chooses to take exception with my Rant I'll just blame it on the PainKillers!

What's on your Agenda Barney? I think that a fair question. Only thing you've written on is some research on Accumulators from Saab and Mercedes and that's about it lately.

I took exception with the direction of the Reatta Division some years ago. To me it was bitter disappointment that those with interests just beyond the pure stock Reatta form should be made to feel unwelcome.

I'll make you an offer, Barney

I'll put my money where my mouth is! I'll offer to pay the Reatta Division Dues for a minimum 10 Enthusiasts who also promote some religious freedom with Buicks, Reattas' specifically. The names that come to mind;


2 Seater Hal,




D Takas,



DonB and


Any of these gents who have a BCA Membership and care to joint the Reatta Division, I'll pick up the Tab for their joining the Reatta Division and maybe bring you 10 votes, on condition;

We need the Division to broaden it's narrow scope of interest. There is no reason the Reatta Division should not welcome members with diverse interests, including modified Reattas.

Maybe some day there will be sufficient interest to create separate judging for handling modified cars. Certainly won't hurt membership and I would have to think it just might attract some new fresh //Young Blood to the Division.

Add that to your Platform and lets see what we can do about getting you back on the Board.

Sending us off to the Modified Buick Class as you've done in the past and .....

So dies the Reatta Division when it's core clique passes on.

Any takers?

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Guest TommyH

cool! i dont really know who barney is, but i do know that he is very, very good with reattas, and i would vote for him without being [paid]!

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Guest EDBS0

I think that there should be 3 distinct classes in the Reatta Division;

Reatta Class 1. Only grey ribbed valve cover caps and original air in tires are welcome here.

Reatta Class 2. 90% of the Reattas (good clean cars) that people enjoy every day.

Reatta Class 3. highly modified (the Greg class) what a Reatta could or should have been.

Don't let them put any recycled GM steel in your hip and get well soon, Robert <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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I don't think there are minimum standards for your car for you to be a member. The judging and the associated classes is an entirely different matter. I have been to hundreds of car shows. I have seen the full gamut of class breakdowns for judging. My lowly 1961 Comet S-22 has never been able to compete. I always get lumped into some category where I'm competing with highly recognizable over-restored muscle cars or the option du jour(that thing got a Hemi?) My car is very rare. 14,000 made, first year for that model(S-22). Yet, I can't compete. Same thing happens with modified cars. The BCA has it's 400 point system. It is meant to level the field. Stock is stock. It's the proper headliner cloth or not? The point is how can we compare your modified car to a bone stock Reatta? The stuff you guys have done is excellent. High quality, clean installations. It's apples and oranges. Yes, it would be nice to have a modified Reatta Division. I suspect that is a precedent the BCA does not want to set. What's next? Modified Skylarks, Centurys, LeSabres? I would like to see the BCA tweak the divisions into sub classes to level that playing field. Neither one of my daily driver Reattas are going to compete with some of the cars I saw at the nationals last year. It would be nice if I could be recognized for driving & maintaining my cars. I can't compete with a car that only gets driven to shows and has 5,000 miles on it.

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Vincent I agree with you. My car will never be more then a daily driver. And that's o.k. I can always go to the shows and say what if. I also think it is great that some of the guys on this forum have made their cars into what they think Reatta should have/could have been. How much recognition do you need? Isn't it enough for personal satisfaction of remaking your car and the fact that you are also considered an authority when guys like me write in cause we are having troubles with our car and don't have a single clue as to what to try fixing first? And maybe Greg is hurting, but to say to Barney what have you done lately is a shot that probably shouldn't have been taken. From what I can see this is a pretty thankless job. And where would this forum be without guys like Barney putting it together?

Greg if you want change work for change. I will vote for you as well the next time the ballots are sent my way and I see your name on it.

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Guest Reatta1

Vincent, I will find out about that at the Nationals in Seattle in July. I've entered my 88 for judging in the 'driven' class, at the urging of Booreata. My car is not restored in any way, has crazing in the paint among other defects. With mileage approaching 97k it will be interesting to see how it is judged.

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Greg I am confused as to what you want the Rdiv to do. I think that you are wanting a modified Reatta division. I have given that a lot of thought, and it is not a bad idea, but it does open the flood gate for the BCA. Lets scrub it down. Reatta



Modified coupe

modified convertible

sunroof factory

sunroof modified

moving on Riviera




coupe modified

convertible modified

sunroof modified


2 door coupe

4 door sedan


2 door coupe modified

4 door sedan modified

convertible modified

The list can go on and on and the BCA could add over 500 new classes to create special interest.

As it stands right now is that the BCA has an orig class 400 pts

A driven class

A mod class

This is a fair system and it works. If your car is modified you should be proud that you have the talent to do this and your car should be shown at a Buick National. The fact that a car is modified does not make that car less important, it is someones artwork, but how in the world could it be judged. Would you get points for an auto tranny or do you get points for a stick? How in the world could you make it fair, and is a mod car better than a factory orig car. I can think of a mountain of issues that no body could keep track of. Where would it end. Agree or disagree, a car club is for fun and getting to know people from other walks of life. That why I belong. I am proud to meet a lot of people on this forum and want to meet a lot more and could care less if their car is perfect, in progress or modified


just my 2 cents

Oh and the most important, take care of your health and good luck with your hip, that is more important than this thread. At the end of the day, I think that Barney Eaton will serve our cars better than anybody else running. The reason that nobody on this group knows any more of candidates is simple, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE FOR ANY OF US.

Good luck from Wichita Kansas and heal quickly

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Ok your point is just the point that I was trying to make. What standard does a modified car have. Is it judged against a factory car? Is your car which I have seen photos of better or worse than Gregs? I dont think that you can compare the two cars. mod cars can not have a point standing so how would you have neg points. It is not possible to assign a point system unless there is a point for any and all possible mods that could be made on any car. Talk about picking flies out of the trash can. I think that a mod class is cool but a lot more thought needs to go into the process of how and who would be able to fairly judge the quality and the amount of mods. Let the competition begin. I have been collecting cars for a lot of years and have watched a lot of good car club s destruct over this issue. I think the one that I remember was a Falcon meet several years ago. both cars were top notch. One car had paint and flames to kill for and the other had the motor and the running gear to kill for. What started out to be 2 good friends ended up being a sad state of affairs. the club is gone and the 2 friends have not talked to each other in years. Who won? Again let the competition begin and lets watch the Reatta club lose. Change can be good if it is well managed. I would go further and say that If a mod class is what everyone wants, then the Reatta meeting at the BCA is the place to present the plan. Rules can be changed but it is not going to happen on this discussion group. As it stands right now if you want to make changes you have to belong to the BCA and to the Reatta Div. Only then can the changes be introduced. Maybe that is something that some one here would like to tackle at the nationals in July.

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That's it. The Reatta Division could hold it's own judging at each show. We keep it within the division. Best Modified Reatta. No, It won't be a legit BCA award. It would be a way for us in the Reatta division to award our members for their innovative ideas and quality workmanship. I have no idea how the BCA would treat this idea. As Greg pointed out we have a fair number of candidates for such an award. Discuss.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That's it. The Reatta Division could hold it's own judging at each show. We keep it within the division. Best Modified Reatta. No, It won't be a legit BCA award. It would be a way for us in the Reatta division to award our members for their innovative ideas and quality workmanship. I have no idea how the BCA would treat this idea. As Greg pointed out we have a fair number of candidates for such an award. Discuss. </div></div>

Best Modified Reatta????What standards make it best. I would bet that someone has enough money to buy the best vote. Let the competition begin.

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Guest EDBS0
Guest Greg Ross

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Greg I am confused as to what you want the Rdiv to do. I think that you are wanting a modified Reatta division. I have given that a lot of thought, and it is not a bad idea, but it does open the flood gate for the BCA. </div></div>

This most certainly does not open the Flood Gates for BCA. The Reatta Division is already separated, has it's own Constitution and Bylaws and the Membership can do anything literally they want to. Within of course the confines of a democratic Society-ie; the membership determines their own destiny.

As I understand the history/ origins of the Reatta Division, it was formed by a group of devoted individuals to perpetuate the Reatta Automobile. They chose to affiliate with BCA to save Home Office Admin. Costs by having Reatta Division members also joint BCA (mandatory)

The huge interest in the Reatta Discussion Board is testament to the fact that there are many people who are Reatta enthusiasts and this Board is not administered by the Reatta Division.

The nature of discussion on this board is of value to every Reatta owner and I'm sure many RDiv. Members frequent this site and are participants.

What's got me "Stewed"?

If the Man standing for BCA Office and his supporters are coming to this discussion board asking for support we deserve to know how he proposes to represent Reatta Owners. It's a fair and reasonable question!

Yes I have personally been insulted by apparently that Reatta Inner Circle (or what used to be) Barney included or not, I have no way of knowing. All I know is what I see and what I see is the BCA/ Reatta Division struggling to redefine their place and attract new Members. The core membership is aging, so what's it take to rejuvinate an organization, change the F****** Rules. Welcome some young blood with potentially fresh ideas. These are dying organizations, they're Dinasours.

I have had two great experiences at Nationals meeting Reatta People. And then I met some of the wrong Reatta People obviously. Two Nationals, two personal slights, I've had my Fill.

After having attended Buffalo in, I'll say 2000 I was told on very good authority there was a Proxy Run for the next following Nationals General Meeting to block me should I show up the following year with a motion to amend the Constitution to allow Modified Reattas? (maybe I did say I should, I can't remember to who!)

Flint was the ultimate insult, as every entrant is invited to do, I indicated I was willing to participate in the judging process. Got purposefully misdirected I have to assume to the wrong locale. By the time I got to Judges Meeting place, the right place I was told I was "Not Needed"

Yes I took this personally, very distinctly, wouldn't you.

I am a Dues Paid BCA Member and have every right to ask any individual standing for Office in our Organization what he brings to the Table. What are his plans to better the Reatta Division and thru that effort the BCA.

I have nothing, absolutely nothing personal against Barney Eaton, and where I started this Thread, Barney is the one name on the Ballot I recognize. If I am to vote I deserve some response I believe.

Voting Strategy on a ballet like this by the way, if you wany a particular individual to win you do not vote the maximum number of names permitted otherwise you dilute the vote for your "Favorite" Make sense?

And Vincent, I am not suggesting Judging be opened up to allow anything other then "Stock" Reattas in the 400 point program, that's what it's all about. What I am suggesting is this radical concept that Reatta Owners belong with Reatta Owners. How narrow can that thinking be, but allow and encourage some opportunity for these Modified Cars to be displayed, "Peoples' Choice" wahtever if you have to give an award. But keep Reatta Enthusiasts, their knowledge, their parts sources, etc. etc as a Collective Group.

Literally every Owner I talked to in Flint '03 when they looked under my Hood said "That's exactly what I wanted to do with mine" Some of them had started and were looking for ideas and help. What's wrong with this picture?

Is this really about an elite few owners who like to get together once a year to admire one anothers' Trailer Queens and have the Masses foot two thirds or three quarters of the Bill?

Am I wrong, tell me. I'd like to understand?

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Guest TommyH

how about this for the mod divisoin, you have a list of things, like quality of the work, uniqueness, things like that, and you have all contestants from either the mod only, or all reatta contestants, or maybe just judges, because ther cannot be any set of writen rules on how it is supposed to look like stock. i think that would be the only way to have a judging of mod reattas, or any car for that matter. i think that is how they judge tuner cars, if not by the crapy little engine alone. sound good?

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I'm glad I joined late and missed the reunion in '06 and that the next one is in Seattle so I won't go. This forum has been good to me and I hope that doesn't change. I pay $33.00 a year to the BCA to pay $10.00 to be a Reatta member. I have benefited from the input from the other members of this forum and for that I am thankful.

However I don't see how anyone can make enough off the other members to be a trailer queen as Greg is insinuating with his post. I think Greg that you should stop going after Barney[i don't know Barney]. Who is your beef with? The Reatta Division or the BCA? I think that while you are on the mend with your hip, plan your stategy and first become a board member of the Reatta Division and work towards a seperate classification and then after you have proven yourself there, then get on the board of the BCA and fix them. Until you step up to work for change that change will not happen. You have passion for a seperate judging system, why not apply that passion? You are,from the way it looks to me, holding 10 votes you may or may not have, hostage to try to make Barney do what he is probably either not interested in or what he knows makes no difference to the rest of us daily drivers, and certainly not the trailer queens you referred to. Which I think is why he has not responded.

I also think you should have sent a PM to Barney first before starting this all off. This would have given him a chance to respond to you directly.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">That's it. The Reatta Division could hold it's own judging at each show. We keep it within the division. Best Modified Reatta. No, It won't be a legit BCA award. It would be a way for us in the Reatta division to award our members for their innovative ideas and quality workmanship. I have no idea how the BCA would treat this idea. As Greg pointed out we have a fair number of candidates for such an award. Discuss. </div></div>

Best Modified Reatta????What standards make it best. I would bet that someone has enough money to buy the best vote. Let the competition begin. </div></div>

As in any show where you have spectator judging it's subjective. It is unreal how many spectators will drool all over a "Foosed" '57 Chevy and ignore the meticulously restored 61 Chrysler. I appreciate the workmanship that goes into modified cars. They can't be judged objectively. No standards. Yes, it could come down to popularity or personal taste. These guys aren't putting superchargers or 5 speeds in to win $4.00 trophies. I understand the BCA 400 point system. I appreciate the modified cars and it would be nice to see them recognized at national meets. I'll let this go. Seems I missed the point.

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I agree Greg needs to run for the BCA and see what happens, If I thought that that I could make a difference, I would run. I just dont see a problem the way things are. I have said all that I am going to on this there is just too many good people here and in the BCA and the Rdiv. I dont think that any good can come out of this at this point.

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The BCA already has a modified division, and no reason why a Reatta owner couldn't join, but beyond the division, the BCA Nationals has embraced the Modified Class and you do not have to belong to the division to show your car in that class!

And just thinking about this some more, if enough modified Reattas showed up, they may be intent on doing a sub-class in the Modified Class, just for Reattas! Contact Keith HorsFall of the Modified Division of the BCA at HERE

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Barney is running for BCA Board Member, NOT Reatta division chairman!

Reatta division issues would not necessarily be his main focus in this capacity, so have little, or no bearing on his election to BCA board.

Barney is more than worthy of the office he aspires to be elected, and I ,for one, would like to see a Reatta division memer, and enhusiast/tech advisor, on this board.

The subject of a new class for modified Reattae should rest with the BCA/Reatta division, and should be inconsequential to the larger BCA board, if it is desired by the BCA/Reatta division to open any new classes in their division.

BCA/Reatta division will not turn down membership of reatta owners, whether thier Reattae are pristine, stock, driven, rusted, beaten, parts cars, nor modified. The stipulations are: BCA member and Reatta owner. It seems, if the members of BCA/Reatta diision want more classes, (which fit BCA guidelines, i.e. driven, modified), the members should be able to vote to open these classes within the BCA/Reatta division, to apply to division members' Reattae. A sub-class under the Reatta division, not in the general BCA/modified class, as Roberta has suggested. Being our own division, this should be within the realm of our authority, as members.

At the 2007 Nats Reatta division meeting, I put forward a motion for the BCA/Reatta division to sponsor the "Reatta Homecoming" hosted by April & Ron Gill, last fall. All it took was a motion, a second to the motion, and a vote, to get approval on thier presentation of the Homecoming event.

A poll can be conducted by the BCA/Reatta division thru email to members for interest in forming new classes for the BCA/Reatta division, and maybe even re-definition of the existing classes. Then, thru the same venue, a virtual membership meeting could be conviened to put forward a motion to define these classes, and vote, rather than waiting for a BCA event to assemble the membership.

Much like presidential elections, one must register in order to vote, and vote when the opportunity presents itself, or shut the heck up about the field of choices, or the winner of the election. Flaming style of remarks, (whether here. or elsewhere), accomplish little more than to divide Reatta owners/enthusiasts, along imaginary, political lines.

Barney Eaton does not deserve to become a casualty of this skirmish, especially when the point argued is moot to his election to the BCA board, so find another poster-boy for the debate, or let the debate carry on it's own merits, rather than trying to scapegoat Barney.

If those who want a voice in the decisions of the BCA/Reatta division don't join, they decide to mute their desires for new BCA/Reatta division classes.

Best bet would be to join 'em, cause 'ya can't effectively beat 'em from the position of an outsider.

I support an inquisition into refining, or changing the definition of existing BCA/Reatta division classes, and the addition of new classes, under the BCA/Reatta division banner. I feel we need to form a new class for "Driven" Reattae, as they reach the 20-year mark. I also feel we need a Reatta-specific modified class within the BCA/Reatta division.

If other BCA divisions, (of which there are very few), don't like it, they can follow suit, creating their own new classes, or enter in the general BCA modified, as any Reatta owner can, if they desire.


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