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Master James Finn


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Hi Gang,

Just a quick post to add my experience to the growing legend of Jim Finn and his help to this group.

My body shop buddy, who is helping bring my 90 coupe with sunroof back to life noticed last weekend a motor mount ruined by the accident we are repairing. I emailed Jim to ask if he had one, and he asked for time to battle the weather to remove one from a parts car. He gave me a link to see the high price of a new one, and suggested a price that I accepted.

Today he told me he'd parted out another car with a friend, and snared the motor mount for me at about half the previously quoted price!!! What a guy!!

I know those who have dealt with Jim before find this familiar, but to those new to the board, or new owners of these fine cars, make Jim your first source, you will not be disappointed.

(I decided to elevate his name in this subject line, to indicate my respect for his help)


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Guest Kitskaboodle

Yes, I agree with you...although I'm not sure about the "Master" part. Perhaps "esteemed colleague"

would be more fitting? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I bought a steering wheel from him at a very good price and he is very honest in regard to the condition of his items. Yes, he is an asset to the Reatta community!

Kit / 90 Reatta Coupe / 86 Fiero GT

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There are two types of Reatta owners.

Type 1, Those who have purchased parts from Jim.

Type 2, Those who say they haven't purchased parts from Jim.

We all know that not only do you get the parts quickly but they are very reasonably priced and you receive valuable free technical advise on how to install them!

Jim, U-da man! postpics.gif


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I am so pleased to meet you Jim. I am the newby here, and I feel like I have just walked into the round table of the Royal Reatta Knights and I should bow or kiss a ring.. or hood emblem maybe.. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

I am glad to know that not only you are here but everyone else I have met on this list as I know I will have many questions about my new baby, I will have stories to share and rants to vent.. but I know that you all will understand.

<img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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You're so humble, Jim!

I'm proud to have made your acquaintance at the 2005 BCA Heartland Midwest regional show, and awards banquet, Jim.

There I was, sweating my brains out, from 9am, on a hot August evening. The 2005 BCA show was winding down to a close, I was hot, tired and hungry, ready to goto McDonald's for a bite to eat. The lot was quiet, all had retreated to the ballroom at Lincolnshire resort for the awards banquet. I had not purchased a ticket for dinner/awards banquet, not expecting to win anything.

Then, from across the lot, came Jim. "Are'nt you going to the awards banquet, Randy?" No, Jim, I didnt buy a ticket - I'll show-up later to attend the ceremony." To my suprise, Jim said - "I have an extra ticket, Randy. Please come as my guest, my wife could'nt come." I was sweaty and somewhat ripe, not a pretty sight, but there was Jim, a true ambassador to the BCA/Reatta division, inviting ME to break bread with the "upper eschelon" table of the Reatta owners, technical advisor, Barney Eaton,(and Nancy), Tom Thomas, (my BCA sponsor), George Madsen, Tom Selander, and more!! We had fun at dinner.

Then, the awards ceremony began, hosted by GM's General Mgr.

I was pleasently suprised when my name was called to recieve a Bronze award for my '90 drop-top, then, as I attempted to walk away, my name was called again! My '91 coupe won Silver! Oce again, I tried to return to our table, when Alan Oldfield stopped me in my tracks. "Just wait here for a minute, Randy." I saw everyone at our table smiling at me, then my name was called once more. I was called back to the podium to be awarded BCA GOLD for my '91 convertible, "Black Beauty"!!! I got a photo OP with GM's Gen Mgr. and returned to our (Jim's) table, to the accolades of fellow members.

This was among the best nights of my life, and I'd have missed the full experience, if not for Jim Finn being my personal host for dinner.

Yeah, I've bought some parts from Jim, and I'm proud to say so!

I even sent a dash seal to New Zealand, (for CliffNZ), to facilitate the right-hand drive Reatta project, which Jim traveled to NZ to help finish last year. It was probably the only part for the project Jim did'nt supply.

We met again at the 2006 BCA Nationals, and at the Reatta reunion, in Lansing, (hosted by April & Ron Gill), where Jim bought some meager parts from my trunk.

Yep, Jim's the man! He knows the cars, and all the parts! Nearly everyone in his family drives a green Reatta! Suprising he's not a Green Bay fan, but he does live in Minnesota, go figure!


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