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Padgett;<P>I like the sounds of the result ... cooler and more accurate display. If I purchased the same part would it work in a 1989?<P>Thanks in advance, Robert

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Not that far along yet. Have found differences in 89 from 88 (89-90 seem to be more similar).<P>Suspect that difference is in the change in the cooling fans - the three fan relays sequence differently in 88 (LO in 88 is one fan through ballast - in 89-90, both fans are on half speed in LO. Think that is the better arrangement.<P>Now have PROM maps from all three "C" years and are significant differences.

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Have noticed some other differences after replacing my stock 88 PROM with the factory recommened ANCX (p/n 16123488 - someone with a sense of humor assigned that number).<P>As mentioned, the gas milage is more in line with actual - 23.7 ave on last tank.<P>Have also noticed the low cooling fan is coming on now at a much lower temperature.<P>Was holding 183-186F even in stop and go traffic with a/c off (nice and cool in Florida now) which was a surprise - was expecting more excursions at stop lights.<P>Checked when I got home and the low fan was on and was definately on ECU command (not a hung relay) so settings are different from stock. Now need to instrument to determine logic.<P>More data makes less sense: started in garage. Ran test sequence on Fan Relay 1 & 2. Cycled on/off properly. Coolant at 159F. Fan off at idle.<P>Let idle in garage until coolant reached 210 (took a while even at 88F ambient). No fan. Pumped parking brake & put in drive. Fan now on LO and temp dropping. Drove to cleaners: 1/2 mile temp down to 192. At two miles (parking lot) temp showing 183. Fan still on after parking & in park.<P>A/C not used at all.<P>PROM project just keeps getting more interesting.<p>[ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: padgett ]

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