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Hi, Just wondering again about adding a cd player to my 89 reatta. Ok i really want to try to stay away from the cd changers and also broadcasting on fm frequencys. Is there a way to buy a normal car cd player and radio and just connect power and speakers to it??? this would work best for me and i would either mount the new cd player in a custom mad box under the dash or in the glovebox if possible. Well thanks for you help and please reply!!! thanks

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Keep in mind that modern CDs do not "broadcast" any more than a VCR does. Both inject a modulated RF signal diretly into the antenna cable.<P>Have hear of nice trunk istallations that are powered by the antenna leads. With a changer and wireless remote it is really an ideal place to put it.<P>Good ones will provide a broad range to channels to select to avoid stepping on a local station (could rewire the antenna to stay down when changer is in use).<P>Unlike the early broadcast units, these in line CD really can produce the same quality of sound as the basic radio.

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When I had my '88, I wanted a CD player too, but I sold that car years ago. Why couldn't you remove the cassette player and put a CD player there instead? You could use the cassette controls on the touchpad for the CD player, if you can get your hands on a wiring diagram. GM single-CD players come up all the time on Ebay, and there are some how-tos at <A HREF="http://www.mnrelectronics.com," TARGET=_blank>http://www.mnrelectronics.com,</A> which is a start at least.

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