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Headlight Mechanism Rebuild


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I just finished putting new rollers and bellcranks on my '91's headlamps. The old ones were the mess Barney describes in his fix instructions. The headlights really snap to attention now. I made "anti-jigglers" using the plastic license nuts someone suggested here recently--not pretty but they work and they will probably outlast the originals. I don't claim to be adept with handtools, following Barney's instructions it took about 3 1/2 hours on the first one and less than 2 hours on the second. Thanks Barney!

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Given the fragility of these units, I have been concerned about the "pounding" they seem to take going up and down. There is nothing smooth or fluid about his. They seem to wham up and wham down, and I am afraid the parts cannot take so abrupt an action. Does the rebuild eliminate this?

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If you headlights are not opening and closing smoothly, there is something wrong.<P>Sometimes you will find the plastic rollers have turned to powder, and the powder has compacted enought to continue to open and close the lights. This condition will have lots of "slop" as the powder moves around in the cavity where the roller resides.<P>Also the bellcrank can develope several degrees of slop and still open and close the lights, but they are not smooth.<P>You will be supprised what new bellcranks and rollers will do for the operation.

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