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1950 DeSoto Turn Signal Wiring


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I recently purchase a 50 DeSoto that had been taken apart ... painted...stored for 10 years then drug half way across the state twice...anyway the turn signal wiring was cut under the dash, all the wiring colors have faded to grey and there are no usable clues left by the cutter. There are five wires on a short harness with plug connector...and two seperate wires...all coming from the turn signal unit...it appears I will have to re-wire the rest of the car. I would appreciate it if anyone has a wiring diagram or other knowledge of these wiring sytems to share. Thanks

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Hi...sorry to take so long to reply...the red raisin is a delux 4 dr... you can see the beast on the photo gallery. I got the repair manaual (CD)...it didn't come with a wiring digram...I went to ebay and couldn't find one for a 1950 DeSoto... I suppose I will ask around on the DeSoto web page.

I have taken blinker switches apart and reasoned through it...not fun...but doable...& tiem consuming.

Anyway, we are now building the interior from scratch...bought material for the headliner, seats and door panels...I just cut out the cardboard for the door panel backing ane I'm working through the carefull dis-assembly of the old (moslty rags) panels to recover the trim pieces. This will be a first.

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Update: It took me most of the last two days, but I now have tail lights, brake lights, park lights and turn signals. The previous owner started to re-wire things (with all blue wire, achkkk!) no wonder they never got it figured out. Although the replacement wiring isn't of the original cloth wrapped style, it has been done with care (god wire and connections), consistency, and wrapped in cloth tape, so it looks prety good from the surface.

I still have much of the dash wiring to sort through, I got most of te heater wiring and cables conected to the contol...and both the heater and defroster motors run as well as the wipers. The defroster motor makes a little noise...so I plan to pull it out and find a way to lubricate it next.

My$.02 for now

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Guest leadsled1953

rhode island wiring service has the proper wire you need.they may have a complete kit for your car.they have a web site i believe.

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