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OK As from what people have said and just the mechanical makeup of the band brakes on the earlier DB cars, Is it possible to change the Fabric brake lining with Modern day brake lining. I hear that you can get your brake shoes on some cars just relined. Can you do that with the brakes on these old carS? Or for what it is worth and the possible gain on getting that extra bit of stopping power worth it? or are there too many variables in the mechanical brakes of the old cars that wont allow proper workings if you use new brake lining.

Something to ponder.


Shawn: There are a couple of things to keep in mind. Most modern brake linings are not flexible but fit on shoes. Most modern brake lining is glued on. Most modern brake lining is harder then the old softer brake lining. With that said if you can find a truck company or tractor supply which still does rivited linings you can use modern lining if it is the right size. I put modern linings on my Star and Moon. It tends to squeal a little bit but you can use it. Both Trucks and tractors have drive shaft brakes which is close to the old linings. Lots of luck



Yeah thats what i was thinking well along those lines. I was told that i can get my brake shoes relined for my 1938 GMC pickup, just was wondering if the same thing could be applied to the shoes on the dodge. if i can get better braking power out of the modern lining, then is there really any other trouble?


I have a friend who work in the elevator industry. My hand brake on my '30 DD is exactly the same set-up as a lot of elevator brakes. Look for a company that does industrial brakes, they can probably do them...


hrmm interesting. Ill have to look more into it. Ill let everyone know when i find a solution. i might just as well go original and "plan" for longer braking.



As StevieG says, go to an industrial supply company. There are many instances of flexible band brakes used in industry, and the lining materials are far superior to those originally used on your car.


I took the brakes to my 26 Chevy to a truck repair shop and asked if they had something as soft as the original asbestos that they could reline them with. No problem at all. I forget what it cost but I remember being happy with it. They work great and make no noises at all.


We have used Arkansas Brake and Clutch in Little Rock AR to reline older brakes for us with good results. They do a quick turnaround- and use the proper lining. Before using them - we had a 22 Packard relined with the modern linig- but the owner found the squeals objectionable- so we just sent his shoes off to be redone in Little Rock. They charged me less than $200.00 to reline the brakes on my '18 Buick. I don't have their contact # handy- as it is at the garage- but I'm sure you can find them.Lou Mandich; proprietor last Chane Garagein Unionville PA


I found a garage in my neck of the woods up here in ontario that relines truck brakes. Once i get my bands ready to go ill go see how much and if it can be done tho. Thanks for your input.

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