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Somebody save me!

Matt Harwood

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Zowie Stuart,

You really know how to get us going! A great photo; I wonder if there are any company shots in Flint or Detroit. I'll do my darndest to find out, as I have to go up there soon. Are Barnet Glass Aerotypes similar to our Goodyear Balloon tyres (the spelling's for you) of the era?

It's most refreshing to discover something new, and proves that at times one must go to the ends of the Earth in that quest. Thanks VERY much for sharing it with us.

Tom Gibson </div></div>

Yes Tom, Barnet Glass were local tyre manufacturers until they were absorbed in the 50's by I think Dunlop. They followed the US trends and the tyres on this car are the balloon type. Wish I could get a set today, they look great with the raised white lettering, I suspect a more recent generation believe they invented that trend!!!! But, no more Barnet Glass tyres around so I have had to settle for Firestone whitewalls.

Incidently, Australia is not really the ends of the earth and we would love to have you join us for our next National Meet and Tour to be held in Queensland ( East coast, closer to you and cheap airfares ) in September 2008. You never know, there may be a 1934 Roadster there.

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I feel like I'm lost in some parallel universe, 'cause yesterday my buddy Dave & I found a 1931 Buick Model 86. The one (above) on ebay restored in the '70's that ended tonight did not make its reserve ($25,101.00), though it was bid up to $25,100.00. The one (below) needs <span style="font-weight: bold">everything</span> , but it's rather complete, and runs.

Just not very far. Body # 3218. The price this one's going for (Enquiring minds want to know), a mere $7000.

That one on ebay sure was a purty car, but why do I feel the sudden urge to go on a fishing expedition?

Tom Gibson


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  • 3 weeks later...

I found this most-unusual ad while toiling in the mines. I don't recall seeing many ads

extolling the rear end designs. Since it came from "Vogue", maybe it was a pitch at the

ladies..."<span style="font-style: italic">Plenty</span> of room for all Milady's Hatboxes <span style="font-weight: bold">and</span> <span style="font-style: italic">Steamer Trunks!</span>"




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