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Early '88 door window differences


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A little tidbit of almost useless information, but important to those documenting some of the differences on the very early cars.

Some of the early '88s had a different track on the rear side of the door window. I parted out # 106 recently and Bill V in NY has vin # 1183 and he also has this early style track.

All other Reattas have a wheel on a plate riveted through the lower rear of the window and this wheel rides in a track on the back edge of the door.

On these early '88 there is no wheel there but the holes are still drilled in the window. On the edge of the glass at the bottom there is a black plastic piece bonded to the window and this piece slides in a different track arrangement from the later cars.

It is common for the "T" at the front of the window to become separated from the glass and the only way to fix it is to replace the window. If you do have to replace a window on an '88 be sure and note which type of tracking you have on the rear. I would also guess these windows would be pretty hard to find but the good news is if you are not worried about originality, you can put a later window in the door but you would also need to use the later tracks.

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I put that picture on about a week ago waiting to see who would notice it.

It is me sitting in the only right hand drive Reatta in existance. Owned by Cliff and Doreen Humphries in Orewa New Zealand.

I plan to write an article on the car and it will be in the spring edition of the Reatta Div. newsletter.

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I caught it as soon as I saw it.

Having been under the dash examining the wire looms I have to admit that I am in total awe. The electrical and mechanical changes that had to be made are awesome. So do I win it for noticing it.

Green Christmas here, can you send some snow? Robert

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We are also having an unusual green Christmas so I won't be able to send any snow but since you say you were the first to notice the picture I agree you should win something. Since it is not my car to give away I will give you the second place prize. Next time you are in Duluth I will buy you a beer and show you the picture someone sent me of Britany Spears getting out of Paris Hilton' car.

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I very much look forward to the beer and the good company. Nike Hilton and her business smarts are more to my taste though.

Back to the conversion ... I can't begin to imagine the complexities involved and look forward to your article.

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