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Where to Buy a new Radiator?


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I am at my business but in the Dodge Brothers News there is a vendor, I believe it is Brassworks? that sells new cores. Are you a DB club member? If not, join. It is the best 20 bucks you'll ever spend! Oh, and '17-early '22 radiator will fit. They appear on ebay from tme to time as well, used.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Are you a DB club member? If not, join. It is the best 20 bucks you'll ever spend!

Dave </div></div>Better hurry, it will be the best $25 you ever spent after Jan. 1. BTW, dwollam, hope you DBers are OK up there after the big storm? I emailed someone else in Bend and haven't heard back yet, everything OK?

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OK i went to "thebrassworks.net" website and they only deal with model A and model T's But they do custom work too... YEs i see that they are expensive, $850 for the rad? That seems a little steep. The problem with the Ebay auction is that the core is honey comb. Im looking for the Horizontal Looverd ones.


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Hey, that's cool cuz I am the one bidding on that radiator! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Nearcocoa, no real weather problems here or Bend. Had 5 DB members, 2 wives and one outsider at Dave Johnsons in Bend Monday! Fellow DBer John Stubbe bought a late 28 Vic 6 in Bend. Cold here but all is well.


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I was thinking about this lastnight, we might be in a bidding war for that rad. I have another car that has a good rad on it that i might use for this car and grab the one on ebay to replace it. The rad has a big gouge out of the back side. Im going to take it in to a repair ship and see if they can fix it otherwise i might be SOL. WE'll see GOod luck Bidding.


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I didnt get the rad, I bid 300 on it and didnt get it.. I have a guy up here in ontario that will recore my rad to look exactly like the original for $500. So im essentially getting a new rad for that price instead of a used one for 300.

Happy holidays Everyone!

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