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Sill plate "Reatta" logo repo


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I have 5 pairs of reproduction " Reatta " sill plate emblems. These are the black script label that goes on the sill plate. They are a very nice repo although the originals have a slightly shinier chrome like script and these are more of a silvery appearance but so close to the original that I didn't even notice until I actually held it against one of the originals off of my 9 parts cars. I can sell them for $ 21 per pair including shipping. If there is enought interest I can have more made. If anyone is interested in the ones I have available you can contact me at jfinn@computerpro.com

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The following is a copy of the e-mail I sent to Jerry.<BR>Hi Jerry,<BR>The originals had the metal at the bottom and then a thick plastic part with a shiny surface on the top. The ones I have are identical looking as far as the shiny top surface and the appearance when looking at them vertically. Starting at the top these have a thin shiny surface followed by a thin metal strip followed by a strip of double sided tape which brings the thickness back to the same as the original. When these are put in the indentation in the sill plate the appearance in my opinion would be identical to the originals with the exception of the script being not quite as shiny as the originals but VERY close, as I mentioned in the post. <BR>Jim

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Jim,<BR>I just posted a want for the sill plate inserts since I just found out from my dealer they are no longer available. Are they the same for all years and is this just the insert? Mine is for an '89. I would be interested in a pair. I only need right side but could keep a spare. Let me know how to order. My email miketiltent@webtv.net

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Also have installed mine and look just like original. Thanks Jim.<P>Note: if the old one separated so plastic is missing (like mine) but can still see "Reatta" in silver you will need to peel off the metal inset (just stuck down with adhesive) before installing the new logo or it will sit too high.

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