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They say connfession is good for the soul. They also say that the first step in gaining control of an addiction is recognizing you have one. Well, I have a confession to make. (Deep breath) I am addicted to the Buick Bugle. That felt good. Now, here's my story. I started my relationship with the Bugle in the late 1980's, a few years after my first Buick purchase, a 1966 Skylark, 2 door hard top with bucket seats. It started off innocent enough. At first, it was just another magazine that came in the mail once a month. But the attraction became stronger over the years, almost without me realizing it. I was drawn to it like never before, each month pulling harder at me. I got to the point that it was taking away some quality family time. I tried to schedule the time to read it. I kept telling myself, all I needed was 2 quiet hours alone with it. No, I could get by with 1 hour if I hurried. But, alas, the time spent reading it flew by so quickly, I would start reading and not put it down until I read every word. Often I would read the same article twice, sucking as much knowledge out of it as I could. Yes, that includes the President's Message and all the ads. Finally, I had to hide it under a stack of junk mail so I wouldn't be so tempted to pick it up until I was ready. But, that didn't work, either. I knew it was there, calling to me every time I would walk by. It was unbearable. One time I brought it to work, thinking I could read it at lunch time and no one would care. But I got caught. I was so weak, I couldn't wait until noon and started reading it before lunch, on work time. Imagine my horror when my boss came around the corner of my cubical and saw me reading it! I tried to hide it quickly, but the blood rushing out of my face told him all he needed to know. Recently, it has gotten worse. Now, it has more color pictures, better content, and even a protective plastic bag! What am I supposed to do? I hate you, Pete Philips! No, I didn't mean it. It was the addiction talking. Please forgive me.

I feel much better now. Thank you for letting me confess. I know I am not the only one out there that feels the same way about the Buick Bugle. So, I call on all of you to unite. We cannot get through this and heal ourselves without the help and strength or others.


Roy, I'm afraid I can't be of much help or strength to you . . . I've got the same problem.

For thirty-one years, the day that the Buick Bugle arrives has been a highlight of the month. Before I was married, everything else was put on hold until the newly-arrived Bugle was fully read and re-read. Since my wedding sixteen years ago, my wife has learned that she has "lost" me on the days that the Bugle arrives. She made a few futile attempts to hide the Bugle until after dinner, but she recognized years ago that it's pointless to hide the magazine from me. I am unable to focus on anything else until my Bugle appetite has been satisfied.

I'm guessing that others of us here are similarly afflicted, and I'm afraid we're really nothing more than a group of co-dependents. If any of us really wants to be healed from our addiction, I figure we'll need to find some outside intervention.

Thanks for your great post, Roy!


Roy and Brian, well said. I am sure you are talking for everybody that receives the Bugle.

Oh, do you guys think you could be classified as enablers?


Guest imported_Thriller

It's an interesting thing, especially considering that I get mine after almost everyone in the U.S. does (except Roberta of course). I must say that I am not quite the addict that Roy does...there are occasionally other things in life that take precedence.

Recently though, I've found myself with a bit of time on my hands. Thanks to Ewing, I've found myself in the possession of many old (primarily the smaller format) Bugles and I'm going through a few of them. There are some very interesting things. One is that there are advertisers who have been with the Bugle on the order of 20 years (currently I'm reading from the late 80s).

I'm not convinced it is sacrilege, but recently I leant out a couple of copies of the Bugle, in part because the lendee is someone I'm trying to convince to join the BCA. Then again, we should also be putting on the pressure to get Ewing to re-join. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

This thread does put in perspective though the threads that come up roughly monthly once people begin to expect their Bugle and from those frustrated that they don't yet have theirs to the jubilation from reading something exciting or just general pleasure with the job Pete is doing.

Paul, I honestly hope the BBA doesn't catch on...I already have more than enough TLAs in my world. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

Guest 53Nailhead

Derek, I just rec'd the November issue...Beat that!!

Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dang!!! </div></div>


Guest DaveCorbin

To all on this thread:

Let me start with the disclaimer that I'm personal friends with Roy, Pete Phillips, the Bugle editor, Derek, 42crazy and a whole bunch of others that frequent various parts of the BCA Forums. Most of you also know I'm a "numbers nut" about Buick frame and engine numbers, and a compiler of production information from the start of Buick. So what would you expect from me as a 36 year BCA member and a "BBA" as Roy defines us? If honest confession is good for the soul, here goes:

I have a COMPLETE collection of the Bugle, all the way from the little sheet of Vol. 1, Issue 1, to today, plus another collection from 1988 to now. Does that make me a certifiable "BBA"?

OH, WELL!! So be it !! I even have a letter from Barb Gerstkemper explaining why one issue is in existence twice and one doesn't exist at all.

Regards, Dave Corbin

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