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How to change a US title certificate (pink slip)when you do not

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Good evening every one

I am asking for help

Subject: How to change a US title certificate (pink slip) when you do not live in the US?

I just bought a beautiful vehicule from an older american man, in Mexico,

The vehicule is registered in California, (that is not a problem for me in Mexico, as I am a permanent resident and have the right to import a vehicule with foreign plates).

The previous owner returned to the US and did not want to drive the car back to california.

He sold it to me, signed the pink slip to me;

Now I would like to transfer the title to my name.

The vehicule is from 1985 (1985 500 SL, Mecedes Benz convertible)

It does not required smog contol in calif anymore and

will not be driven in california nor in the USA

Can anyone tell me how to proceed in order to transfer the pink slip to my name?

in the state of California or in any state...

without having to go to the USA



Guest imported_bobscads

I live in Ca. Why don't you just go to your local DMV in Mexico & transfer it? They have to be very familiar with the process. PLEASE don't tell me that they want you to get the pink slip in YOUR name first! Advise, Bob


Thanks Bob

You got it

They want a pink slip with my name on it.

And for various technical reason this type of car must more

than more than 25 years old to register it with mexican plates.

But if I have a pink slip on my name, they issue me a temporary

importation permit, valid indefinitely.

Mike Mercedes_lover

Guest JDHolmes

You're probably not going to have any luck because you can't title the car in California as you are not a resident.

you are definately in a catch -22 situation here, but short of legal immigration to California for a time, I don't know how you would do so.

Although, in CA, I'm sure there are many illegal ways to accomplish what you wish...I just don't know them.



I have a residence in California at my brother house,

Thanks critterpainter

But I am ready to register it in Arizona if that is easier

Any help in that matter will be highly appreciated

I would like to do that (register in Arizona) without having to go there

I halready have one Merc registered in Arizona on my wife's name.


Mike Mercedes_lover

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