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31 Dodge DG Coupe she runs!


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Just wanted to say "Thanks" to the serveral people here that have helped with parts and info.

We have had a week of tinkering and adjusting everything. She now runs like a top. I never realized how fussy a 6 volt system could be. Not alot of room for error, LOL.

Anyway, she now runs like a top and I am planning on putting on a few miles before putting her away for the winter.

Thanks Again,

Pete MacKay

Brooklyn, CT.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi there,

I see you have a 31 coupe. Mine is a DH. Do you know the difference between the DH and the DG? I have looked everywhere on the web for info about my car, but with little luck. My coupe is a 2 door with spare tires on both sides. It has the rumble seat and trunk rack on the back. If you are a member of the DBC and know someone in the club who is a historian or knows something about this car, I would love the help! Thank you - Jeni


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