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60 Invicta starter won't quit!

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Guest dayvd1960

So while we're waiting for the brake shoes to arrive, my son and I decided to take the starter off and have it rebuilt at a local shop. It'd kick out every so often and was getting annoying more than anything. We got it back, finally got the gas tank cleaned and sealed. So we're waiting and decide to fire the car up just to hear it run. Fortunately we didn't have any gas in the line cause once the engine started turning over it wouldn't quit? We finally(frantically) got one of the battery cables off and it quit. I hooked up a set of jumper cables the next time and the same thing happened. Called my older(and smarter) brother and he says maybe we got the wires to the starter hooked up backwards. I'm gonna try that tomorrow when it's warmer.

But in the meantime I'm wondering what else could be wrong? I've never seen a car where you depress the gas pedal to make it start. There's gotta be a mechanical switch somewhere. Could it be sticking? Keep in mind now I'm in a wheelchair and working on this car... so crawling around on the top of the engine is kind of a bear for me. My son is willing to do it but this is his first project car so if we need to look for something be as specific as you can.

Thanks ya'll


On the base of the carb is a switch, remove one of the wires from that, and jumper the two wires to get the starter motor to run, sound like the switch is sticky, have see quit a few cars with an extra switch added under the dash to cure that problem..


I've attached a page from my 56 Manual that shows that starter switch. The book says the switch can be removed without taking the carb off. but for a novice, I'd recommend carb removal.

Keep in mind this is for a 56, and your 60 could be very different.



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