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Slow Day at Work....? Here's 16 I'm Clueless Items.....


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From an estate of a old GM parts manager who also owned a Model A and



[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_3tooth.jpg" ALIGN=


1 - 1932 and 1933 Model A Sector 3 tooth ? Or is it a Truck of a later

year ????


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_ford.jpg" ALIGN=


2 - Unknown Model A or T suspension stuff ?</P>


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_tails.jpg" ALIGN=


3. Very old 1930's lights ?</P>


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_light.jpg" ALIGN=


4. Very old driving light</P>


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_dash.jpg" ALIGN=


5. Sorta matches driving light above....</P>


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_dist.jpg" ALIGN=


6. I should know what this is Delco... I see these all the time....</P>


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_coil.jpg" ALIGN=


7. Coil Cap ?</P>


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_button.jpg" ALIGN=


8. Wiper or Horn button ?</P>



[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_bezel.jpg" ALIGN=


9. Big Mopar from 50's ????</P>




10 Odd trim.... Convertible ????</P>


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_orn.jpg" ALIGN=


11. Cadillac or Pointiac.... I say Pointiac....</P>


[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_round.jpg" ALIGN=


12. Die'n to know what monster this chrome ornament fit.....</P>

[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_dome.jpg" ALIGN=


13. Old dome light</P>

[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_ign.jpg" ALIGN=


14. Ignition trim ?</P>



15. Very nice star....</P>

[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/cbd_ukp_pwrst.jpg" ALIGN=


16. Early 60's TBird Steering Wheel switch to move the column out of

the way ?????</P>

[image]http://www.inap.biz/sheds/jh/ukp/two/relief.jpg" ALIGN="BOTTOM[/image]</P>

And one for good luck..... have looked and looked but no relief or comfort

found... what make please ????</P>


<FONT SIZE=+1>Thank YOU...!!!!!!!!!!!</FONT>



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#5 looks like '51 Olds Super 88. Maybe 98, but should be larger for 98. Might be '52, but I don't think so. I know it seems to go with #4, but I can't place it. Do these items have numbers cast into them?

That last thing... DeSoto?


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Guest De Soto Frank

Dome light bezel and glass look like '47-'53 Chevy / GMC truck... if lens is plastic, then it might be '54.

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Hey guys thanks for chirpping in so much today... yesterday must have been a busy day at work as the replies were on the low side. I'm paying the bills this summer selling car parts (I sub teach the rest of the year) and really do appreciate all inputs thank you.

I would have never thought the 56 Dodge plastic emblem was 1950's.... looks so 1940's style... just checked a 56 Dodge and shazam there it is.

A couple more ID's and I may even have gas and beer money in the bag. Thanks all.

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