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Need heater help.

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Guest Reelhappy

Seems as if the heater door is NOT closing when I put it on vent or A/C. Still get warm air coming through. Hence, makes for poor A/C down here in South Florida. Any help? Don't have shop manual yet for 90 TC but hope to get one in the near future when available.


[color:"red"] The heater control valve is below the battery tray. Check to see if there is a vacuum hose connected. It is just a standard mopar part. Dodge, Chrysler, TC. Just connect the hoses to the new one one at a time so you don't mix them up.

Forgot to mention that you have to drain the radiator or you will poison the neighbor's dog that always barks when you are outside. When you refill it, you have to burp the head. The plug by the thermostat. Loosen it, install radiator cap and when air stops coming out and it is just antifreeze tighten the plug. I like red

Guest Reelhappy

Looked under the battery tray and only saw a canister (part silver) with one vacum hose to it, which led to a black plastic box fixed to the side of the battery tray and from there went to the top of engine for vacum sorce.

Was I looking at the correct part? As you mentioned to take the vacum hoses of one at a time, which leads me to believe there is more than one. Also the part I was looking at had no connection to the radiator, again making me think I've got it wrong, as your reference to draining radiator.

BTW it is a 90TC 3.0 V6. Sure wish I could get my hands on a shop manual.

Guest Reelhappy

Thanks Guys, just looked again and found 2" dia. canister in line with heater hose at the fire wall, with one vac. line heading to top of engine for vac sorce. This might be it but will hold off till I get 90 manual CD which I just ordered today.

In the mean time the wife and I will continue to enjoy it with the top down. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

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