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I hope you could understand what I mean, I'm from sweden so I'm not so good on english. I got a 1967 Buick Lesabre and I would like to get the windsheld wipers of the car but I can't loose them. The part of the "wiper arm" that connected to the spline axle seems to be in one aluminium pice not like on other cars where you got a nut under a cover. There is a something on the under side of the aluminium part witch I think are going be pressed when you should loose the wiper from the axel. I have use rust remover on the pices and I can also move the wiper a wery smal distance on the axel so my problem is how the the locking system betwen the axel and the wiper is made. I don't want to use to much violence when I shall take away the wipers so I break something. Hope someone can help med with this



Sometimes, there is a little flat spring to move which basically locks the wiper arm to the splined shaft when the arm is pushed all of the way onto the splined shaft. In other cases, there can be a little lever to move too. In either situation, you have to know where they are, but once you know where to look, it's pretty easy to find again. Might take some finesse to move the tang on the spring with a small blade screwdriver as you also try to rock the arm on the splined shaft as you also gently pull upward.

Generally, the insert in the wiper arm which indexes with the splined shaft is cast from softer metal than the splines are. That's what will "strip" and render the arm useless, usually. In some cases, it's not entirely round (being more of a flattened circle) so that it's kind of designed to strip rather than bend some of the internal (in the cowl) wiper transmission links or tear something else up in the process.

Considering that the insert for the wiper blade, along with the blade assembly itself, are both removeable without having to remove the wiper arm, there is usually little need to remove the wiper arm from the car. Wiper blades and related inserts are another situation, though. Does the car still have the original blade on it or has somebody put something "inappropriate" on there? Just curious.

Just some thoughts,




Thanks for answer, I must go out in my garage and see more, I thought I have find the leveler you talking about. I will loose the left wiper beacuse its not in the right position on the axel, when it runs it will go so long that it up on the goes off the windsheild (I don't know the english word for the part of the body that are on the side of the windsheild and between the windows on the doors) but the wiper goes up on the body.


I have been out in my garage and checked on the wipers. I try to pull the flat lever on the underside of the wiper down to the body with a screwdriver and then I got that small "clip" part loose but it don't change any thing I can just pull the wiper a small bit (about 1/32 inches) on the axle then it stuck and will not go any further. What can I do wrong or what can be wrong? I see that the whole axle are moving outwards when I try to pull the wiper so I'm a little bit affraid to pull hard in the wiper.



<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Way not tray www.buicksinsweden.se or www2.hemsida.net/buickowners/


Thanks fore the links, I have tried the www.buicksinsweden.se with out no luck, shall try the other one to se if someone can help med with my problem.


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