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starter/generator and fuel; pump repair

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NEWBEE: upside down in a 1918 touring: the startergenerator-starter works, the generator part does not. the fuel pump (vacuum-stewart model 189-L) does not work. have no idea who may overhaul/rebuild these componets. can anyone help?

regards: b.j. cannon

Guest leadfoot

Couple of suggestions -

I believe that Romar repairs both vacuum tanks and starter/generators on an exchange basis. FYI, on the starter/gen I would do some testing on the charging circuit -look at the connections, (ammeter, regulator block, etc.) and look at the brushes and commutator before I sent it off. Romar's link http://www.geocities.com/romardb/index.html .

Also if you haven't joined the Dodge Brothers Club you really need to do so. You can make contact right here at the AACA site by clicking on participating clubs and go right to their website. They have great experts on the early DBS.

Guest Jack27

Ben Hotchkiss-517-894-2073 repirs Vacuum Tanks. Also has kits so you can do your own.

Guest leadfoot

Ben Hotchkiss did my vacuum tank about 10 years ago - a nice job. However, I believe that Ben passed away several years ago and I don't think anyone took over his business.


The vac tank is not a hard item to repair. Get a hold of a dykes manual or the Stewart manual and they have instructions on rebuilting them. If you can't, let me know as I wrote and article for the Durant publication and should still have an electronic copy. If you are going to work on an old car you should understand the principles of vac. tanks in case you break down on the road. Try it first before sending it out. Lots of luck

Jan <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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