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I have a 1950 Chrysler winsor limo. It is a 6volt positive ground system. The question I have is how to hook up the coil. Is the positive lug on the coil still positive meaning ground. Is the negative lug the lug that ties to the distributor? I have the shop manual but I find no info regarding this. I have spark out of the coil, none at the plugs....New cap and rotor and new points all look ok.....not sure if the wiring of the coil is right.


The positive terminal of the coil goes to the distributor(points) in a positive ground car.


The positive terminal of the coil has another wire on it. This should be suppling -6 volts to the coil and distributor?

With the black lead of my multi meter on the positive terminal of the battery and the red lead on the positive terminal of the coil I should read 6 volts?

The negative terminal of the coil should be connected to positive ground?

thanks for any help..


<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The positive terminal of the coil has another wire on it. </div></div>

That would go to an interrupter circuit for the transmission I believe.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The negative terminal of the coil should be connected to positive ground? </div></div>

No,it connects to ultimately to the ignition switch.


OK, then both the positive terminal and the negative terminal of the coil will get negative dc voltage? This is the part I am having a hard time understanding(no kidding).


The positive terminal of coil will only get a ground connection through the points or possibly a trans kickdown switch.

With the ignition switch on, you should be able to read 6 volts to the negative terminal of coil.


I think I see what you do not understand. With a positive ground system, the polarity is reversed from a negative ground system. In other words, the flow of electrons goes in the other direction. To get the polarity of the coil correct, the positive side of the coil goes to the points and the negetive side goes to the ignition switch. A distributor is divided in to two different systems or levels of voltage. The points only act as a switch that puts 6 volts though the primary winding of the coil which excites the secondary winding in the coil which is the big wire that goes to the center of the distributor cap and in these older vehicles puts out 25,000 to 30,000 volts. Hence, the spark is distributed from there to the plugs. See if you are getting spark out of the coil. Pull the wire out of the center of the dist. cap and hold it 1/4th to 1/2 inch to the motor block. If you have a spark when the points are opened from a closed position, then the coil should be good. If not then it will need to be replaced as the seconary winding is most likely bad. Good Luck, Dave!

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That does help a lot. I do have spark from my coil. The distrubtor was loose I think this may be a timing issue......recharging the battery I'm going to work on it some more this weekend.

Thanks I do understand the coil better.

  • 13 years later...

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