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15 Bearcat and 1911 Marion Bobcat at Auction- RESULTS ADDED.

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I just notice that RM Auctions will be selling a 15 Bearcat on March 11 in Florida. It's yellow and black and they claims to be "One of 10" surviving original Bearcats not modified from some other body style. (That number seems low to me...I'm sure there are more original Bearcats than that).

Their price estimate is $175-225,000.

Also, they're offering a 1911 Marion Bobcat...said to be a former Australian racing car. I've described it to a friend who says it <span style="font-style: italic">sounds</span> like the car recently sold on eBay that many accused of being an Overland in disguise.

Take a look, I'd be interested in your opinions. Their price estimate is $60-80,000.

The website is : RMAUCTIONS.COM [color:"blue"]


It is, indeed, the very same car that was auctioned on Ebay. As to the authenticity of the car, I stand by my earlier post on the same subject.


The Bearcat description has what amounts to a low key disclaimer as it states the title to be 1915. We know that the vehicle numer starts with number of cylinders (this case 4) followed by series letter © then running car production number. Series A for 1912, B for 1913, E for 1914, F for 1915, then C for 1916. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />

Same car as an E series only no sidelamps, this one looks properly restored.

Guest imported_Paul Freehill

1916 Bearcat by all means, at least it was when I restored it in the early 90's.

Yes it is a real one. There are many cars that have been pre dated so they can particapate in exclusive clubs or events. Overland purchased Marion and indeed reused the Bobcat name.

Paul Freehill



According to their website, the Bearcat sold for $275,000.

I believe that's a new record for an early Bearcat.

This could mean Bearcat values are beginning to catch up with other brass era sportscars, but still short of the $900,000 a Mercer brought a while back.

The "Marion" brought $28,600. If the ebay price quoted in an earlier thread is correct, that's quite a loss.


The following was posted to their site at the bottom of the 'Marion' description:

<span style="font-weight: bold">Addendum

This lot is believed to be an amalgamation of several brass era cars from a variety of manufacturers. The chassis and powertrain are believed to be from an Overland as well as other miscellaneous parts. By virtue of the percentage of Overland parts on this vehicle it may best be described as a homemade Overland speedster with Marion tags and badges. Please speak to an RM specialist for further information.</span>

Maybe this forum is read by more people than we know.....


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