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Ever had this happen? Vintage vehicle damaged by spectator *DELETED*

Guest imported_CarFreak

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Guest sixpack2639

Some people just have no respect for other peoples property what so ever. I whole heartedly believe it comes in part from not having their britches warmed up when they needed it as a kid! And don't rule out car people completely either. I have met some that will touch, open doors, sit in someone elses car without permission too. They think if you didn't want anyone to touch etc. you'd keep it locked up in a garage, not bring it to shows. If the parents do it, don't expect little Johnny to know any better. I don't put those ugly stickers on my cars and don't mind a bit letting one of those heathens know it doesn't belong to them so get off or get out! Fortunately though, most people are not like that, car people or not. In your case, file suit against the laughing heifer and see who laughs last!

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You are sure right on the point that even antique car folks will do dumb stuff. A guy that was in our club owned some very nice MGs. Not someone that I thought would lean on our 1958 Chevy, along with a female friend of his, and then tell me they weren't harming it when I politely asked them not to lean against it. Anyone that knows me personally will tell you that I am a nice person and will go out of my way not to hurt other people's feelings etc. But that day it flipped the b***h switch on full tilt.

I told them that it was my car, not his, and that they should not be leaning on it even if he said it was okay. And for them to "get your a***s off of my car NOW!" I was dumbfounded that the owner of beautiful classic MGs would do that. He is not some know-nothing redneck. He owned his own architectural firm!!!

Every day I see children who's parents let them play with every electronic device they come in contact with. THEY ARE NOT TOYS!!!! Tell your kids to not touch them.

It is pretty sad that you have to stand guard over a vintage vehicle to keep stupid people from damaging it. And for people to say they have the right to if you don't put a sign up.... mad.gif

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In the 30 plus years, I have been in the old car hobby I have had the misfortune to run in to some real dumb people ? both old car hobbyists and car show spectators. Some of my least pleasant experiences:

I was at a show where I had on display two cars, a 1958 Cadillac Coupe Deville and a 1929 Studebaker Commander. Since the two cars were in different areas of the show, I would periodically go from one end of the show grounds to the other to check on the cars. On one occasion, I was approaching the 1929 Studebaker when my eyes beheld the site of a father, mother and their three kids all over my car. One child was on the hood of the Studebaker looking in the windshield, another child was held by the father with his head stuck in the drivers open window with his feet kicking against the door, the third child was hanging form the rear passenger door trying to pull himself up while kicking against the door, the mother was standing back with a big grin on her face watching the whole seen like it was a fun time at the park on a jungle gym. At this point I yelled at them to get their kids off my car. The father defended his family and told me what a SOB I was for being so RUDE and they were just looking at the car. They walked off in a big huff.

On another occasion, I had my 1929 Studebaker parked with other collector cars next to a restaurant in a historic section of 1800?s stores and restaurants of a local town. We had stopped their on a car tour for lunch. When I returned to my car after lunch, I found that someone had heavily keyed the top crown of both of my front fenders when we were in having lunch.

At another car show, I had on display my 1928 Studebaker President, which was an original un-restored car. I again was away from the car for awhile checking out other cars on display when I returned I found another car hobbyist had opened the drivers door, removed the bottom front seat cushion (it was laying on the grass next to the car) he had wanted to check out the construction of the hinged wood slated tool compartment cover that was located under the drivers seat. I should also mention in his inspection of the tool cover he also somehow managed to break some of the wood slates of the cover. I did not know this until after he left and while I was putting my seat back in I found the boards broken.

These are some of the more serious encounters I have experienced. There have been many minor ones, the many people who have used the bumpers to rest their feet on, getting in the car to try out the back seat without asking, etc, etc.

Now when I attend a car show I never leave by car for anything unless I have someone else with me to watch the car while I am away from it. I do not trust anyone around my car with out watching their every move. You cannot ever assume that they will treat your car with the same respect that you will.

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my experience with antiques, old cars and insurance companies tells me it would be a stretch to collect on your homeowners policy without a special " rider" listing your truck.

go the small claims route and sue the bastards for the maximum amount in your jurisdiction; be prepared you may have to supply estimates etc which will mitigate your claim for the maximum allowed, but it may be enough to scare them off.if one or more adults was involved - even husband and wife, you could sue them individually, with different filing dates so they have to make seperate appearances - even if its a husband and wife!

with a little research and diligence small claims court can be your friend - even against law cheats [sometimes called "lawyers'}

good luck - and big joe is your uncle... laugh.gif

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Guest Moepar

A fellow car hobbyist & club member had brought over his 9 year old brat one day & was talking to my husband. When I got home from the store, the kid comes over & asks for a snack. I told him he could have one if he helped me take the grocries out of the car & take them to the house. When I opened the back door to my '63 Buick with NICE practically perfect original upholstrey, the brat proceeds to start jumping up & down on the seat. I yanked him out & told him to do that his old man's car but not to mine. He turned right around & did it again. When I yanked him out this time I didn't let go of his ankles, & proceeded to tell him how many times I'd pound his head into the gravel driveway before taking him with his newly bashed head to his father for a talking too if he were so unwise as to try that a third time. He didn't do that agian with the car but tried it on my bed. We had the same talk with him dangling over the cement patio. mad.gifmad.gif

If I had done that at his age my folks would've given me a one way express ticket to Mars.

Definately no respect, unfortunately there's alot of these jerks out there. It's really too bad.

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On a car tour, I had returned to my car only to see the retired Dean of a local college with the hood up on my car, showing people the engine compartment. The same idiot couldn't figure out why he took 3rd place in a concourse when he had car that had seen better days. I put an alarm in my car just so I could embarass him. Unfortunately he didn't come on the tour.

Today I was in the Houston airport, and a family was throwing a football in the gate area. I felt like telling him he was and idiot. I would imgaine that guy would be an idiot at a car show also. He was an Aggie so that probably explained a lot smirk.gif

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I've got stories too, but nothing that bad. If you'd have pulled an axe off of the truck and gone after them, you'd have been wrong. You did the right thing. I think I would still consult your local prosecutor's office to see if they can step in and file the charges. If the incident is fairly recent, the statute of limitations should be in place to still pursue criminal action if the prosecutor's office will entertain it. The officer might have been right, and the officer might have been lazy. If the officer was lazy, you may have grounds to go after the police department too. In the case of where I live, the county is self-insured and in many cases will make a settlement rather than fight something in court.

This goes back to previous posts about actions that hurt the hobby. I've seen people complain about "trailer queens" and remarks about "Do not touch" turning people off. The only problem is that actions that another person has done to carfreak is what prompts others such us myself, and many others to be guilty of having trailer queens, standing gaurd over our vehicles, and hanging do not touch signs on our vehicles. It is idiots like the on who victimized car freak's vehicle are reasons why I like to see admission fees charged at these shows. It almost seems for the most part that a lot of the stupid people are not only too cheap to pay attention, but too cheap to pay admission too. I have seen very few problems at the national meets, but many of the local shows and cruise nights are a bit to be desired.

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Guest imported_CarFreak

ex98thdrill: Fortunately (or unfortunately) the axes were removed from the truck and sitting in my garage. After reading your post and speaking with a retired Police Sgt yesterday at a car show, I left a voice mail for the Patrolman insisting that there has to be some charge, if only vandalism for the damage caused by these people.

Joe_Materasso: I don't want to collect on MY insurance - I want to collect on THEIR insurance. I don't have any claims on my homeowners, vintage or daily driver insurance and don't want any. Someone needs to pay and deal with higher premiums and it is not me!

Shop Rat: I did have to bite my tongue and hold back - I was furious! But I didn't want to lower myself to their level. Do you recall that I posted about a year ago about someone sitting on my car at a national club event (not aaca). The guilty person was an officer in our club - when I first found him leaning on my car with his buddies I was relatively nice. A few minutes later when he was sitting on my fender I was not nice.

YES - next season my vehicles will be adorned with many "DON'T TOUCH" signs as

annoying as they look. Plus barricades, "Caution" tape, etc. We did change the hardware on the storage compartments so that they would lock. Next project to put locks on the doors (fire truck doors don't lock). A device to zap persons touching where they shouldn't would be nice....

Funny, as we were walking out the door I thought "do I need to bring my camera" (NO). Darn - bad decision. The smoking fire truck would have been an interesting photo for court. The camera also does short video clips with sound. Fortunately, I had my cell phone with camera to take pics of the guilty persons.

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CarFreak, unfortunately it seems that you have ran into a few of what is becoming the typical, don't care, its not my problem and I am not responsible people that seem to be appearing everywhere. Many of their traits will probably be passed down through the family genes for years.

You won't win anything (or very little) in court. This will just bring you more aggravation as you have to relive this bad experience numerous times leading up to the court date, of which could be months later. I have a court date tomorrow with someone who rented and heavily damaged my property, and they will more then likely be slapped on the hands. I can here it now as the judge says we just need to give her another chance, and by the way she doesn't have to pay you.

Your homeowners insurance probably won't do anything. I had a lawnmower throw a rock thru one of my uninsured antique cars windshield (garage door was up) and they told me tough $hi#. This without ever a claim.

There are many idiots out there and one must be aware and careful at all times, in all aspects of life. Now how would you like to come back to your car only to discover that someone and his friend had taken it out for a 45 minute joy ride while attending a barbeque. True story with my Corvette.

Good luck!

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I have a neighbor who is an older gentleman. He is very nice, well meaning and knowledgable. However he is a bit behind in the etiquette (most just common sense) of other people's nice things. My wheelchair seems to be a "thing" for him. Although he knows I have been in a chair for 23 years and have restored several cars by myself etc, he almost tackles me before I can bend over for a dropped tool. He is improving on this point.

One of the 1st voyages to the lake in my Amphicar, He asked to join. Sure why not, what's the worst that... devil14.gif , nevermind. I promised him a chance to drive it. He asked about a beach entry, so OK. He proceeds to the mostly-muddy side rather than the sandy side. We get stuck with the front wheels mired at the water's edge. Grrrrrr. He spun the tires in the sand making some pretty spirograph type designs in my NEW $200 each, hubcaps. The park rangers helped us get into the water. The commented they had never used a boat to pull a car INTO a lake before. (Yes, I made him get muddy) Also notice how carefully he rubs the sand encrusted rope into my 3 month old paintjob! How sweeeeet.



After we got there the weather was nicer so let's drop the top. No sooner had I unlatched the header latches, he grabs the top and starts folding. I did not have a chance to unsnap the 6 snaps or the 2 zippers (always done 1st now). As he folds he top down, the tearing of my BRAND NEW NEVER BEEN DOWN, top was the only thing louder than my expletives. angry019.gif He meant well, I tell myself.

Later that summer I purchased an Amphicar from a gentleman on this list (Are you still there Jerry?). When I picked it up, it had a BRAND NEW NEVER BEEN DOWN OR RIPPED top, and 4 NEW $200 each hubcaps sadly W/O the rare Spirograph option. It worked out so I have never made him pony up. He means well I tell myself.

He also is a "Leaner". $12k paintjob and he constantly leans on it while I ask him to not. He means well I tell myself.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Shop Rat: I did have to bite my tongue and hold back - I was furious! But I didn't want to lower myself to their level. Do you recall that I posted about a year ago about someone sitting on my car at a national club event (not aaca). The guilty person was an officer in our club - when I first found him leaning on my car with his buddies I was relatively nice. A few minutes later when he was sitting on my fender I was not nice.</div></div>

Yes, I do think I remember that now that you mention it. I guess we expect better from especially our own club members. People who know what it takes to have a nice car.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">A device to zap persons touching where they shouldn't would be nice....</div></div>

I think a nice solar powered fence charger would work nicely. Like the one my friend has hooked up to the electric fence where she keeps her horses and mine. You can regulate the "jolt" that it gives. I accidentally came in contact with it a few years back. shocked.gif Let me tell you, it is not something you forget.....or want to do a second time. grin.gifsmirk.gifgrin.gif

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With friends like that, why have enemies?????

I would hand him the bill for the top, the hubcaps, etc..... Maybe not make him pay it, but at least get through to his planet that you appreciate his help however he needs to wait to be asked..... Some people only learn when it hits them in the wallet. Others only learn when THEY get to bleed to repair it.

My dimwit was brought over by a friend to see a freshly restored car with about a $1500 special sparkle weave carpet and full custom dyed leather interior. Yep-you guess it. Dimwit and her diet soda started to part company over the carpet. Dimwit moved really fast when it was made crystal clear what would happen to her if that glass that was tilted over the carpet spilled. Dimwit's friend is no longer permitted to bring ANYONE over. PERIOD. AT ALL, EVER.... I have a bit of a temper.

We had another unrestored version of virtually the same car here at that time. Dimwit couldn't have hurt that but of course Dimwit didn't want to look at the 'old' interior.....

The sad part is idiots like these make car shows more an ordeal than a pleasant experience. Few of us have the $$ to redo stuff to keep everything NICE. For most of us, finding the money to do a job once is hard enough but to redo it after someone else's stupidity is the last straw.

Funny thing-the MOST respectful people I ever ran into were a couple of hard core bikers that were fueling up at a gas station where I had to put fuel in one of the hardly ever driven show cars. Grungy riders but bikes that were as clean or cleaner than the show car. They came up and ASKED if I minded if the looked over the car. One look at their bikes, told me that they would treat my ride with the respect they demanded of theirs..... And, they did.

Oh well. It's more fun to drive the cars with people that you enjoy being around than to sit at a show and deal with the morons. Most AACA meets and other National/Regional club events are not problematic as usually there are enough club members around keeping watch, however local shows/cruises are a huge problem.

The folks that invite people to treat their cars like a used car they are test driving at shows don't help this situation. The same idiots then treat ALL the cars that way and look offended when asked what they think they are doing.

Oh well-display the car top up, windows up, doors locked. Then there's no problem. It does make it harder for the photo folks to take photos, but oh well....

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Guest Moepar

One incident that I forgot about happened at Spring Charlotte Autofair (in NC). We had our '61 Newport on the AACA display field in the DPC class. As we're returning from parts shopping, I see these men approach the car. One was really excited (I instantly thought 'uh-oh'). He then opens the door & gets in, copping a feel of everything on the dash. As it was my husband's car (& I knew what would happen) I nudged him & pointed. You could see the viens on his forehead! He ran over there & told the baboon to get out before he broke something. Nothing was broke, lucky for us.

We don't mind letting people get in our car & look, but only if they ask or are invited.

Hey Amphicar-next time you go out on the lake, see if you can get some buddies to help you toss your neighbor overboard. Make him swim back. From the other side. That should be worth a hubcap or two!!

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Yes, I did! The paint and body work was done by a guy who overcharged me. I had no recourse but to make him know that the rest of my restorations and friend's restorations etc, would not be his job.

The whole point of the exercise was to enjoy my car and see to it that as many other people enjoy my car as I do. I gues that has worked out to be only pennies per smile so far. grin.gif It get scratched and has a couple dings. Do you know how hard it is to pass a beer from one car to another in 3' rolling waves? Just after this was taken, we were hit with several large wakes. YEEE, Haw! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mark Golding

I was once very involved with Model T's and held 2 tours in the same area of PA, We were know for drawing in very old cars to the area in mid August, well this one year we had 7-10 cars starting with a 1914 T and going up to 1927 . We were in Downtown honesdale when we parked the cars by the post office and went into the Wayne County Museum for thier tour, I said I would stay with the cars and the others said come on in who'd bother the cars, When we got out there was a bunch of folks milling and sitting in our cars and trucks the worst was in the 1914 Touring this guy and his wife were sitting there with icecream cones dripping on the seats, When the owner blew his mind and starting yelling at them they just said well you parked it here for all to see and sit in didn't you, Glad some of the others were around before the owner floored this guy, from then on I would stay with the cars when other folks went to see the attractions , I have seen them before. The big point here and he made it quit clear to those bozo's was where's thier car, they told him and he went and opened the doors and threw soda into the front and rear seat. Great way to get the point across. Our local PD is like never around when you need them so I had no problems with them.

Never I mean Never leave an antique car or truck alone o n a public street or parked by something of interest becuase you will always find the jerks in the group that have to sit on it or in it. you see them at big car shows and at crusin's in local towns.

never fails there is always someone leaning on a car with a metal belt buckle sticking out.

Your not alone and will never be so it's up to you to keep an eye on your antique cars or trucks.

I would call your insurance rep. and talk with them they might foot some of the bill. you can always change insurance companies if they don'thelp you out on this one.

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Guest imported_CarFreak

End of my story?

We did visit the local Small Claims Court several months back. We served complaint against the woman and her uncle. She originally stated that she touched the truck and then admitted it was really her uncle who did it (fingered him). We wanted them both in court to tell "their story".

The judge who heard our case has a reputation for being very patient, good common sense, community oriented, initiated student court, etc. A good guy. So it is a Friday afternoon and our case is finally called after waiting over an hour past the scheduled time. We stated our case that he/she damaged our truck and were liable for costs to repair. The woman spouted off a bunch of malarkey but basically that she didn't do anything. The uncle spoke next and said that he NEVER TOUCHED THE TRUCK - IT JUST SUDDENLY AND WITHOUT CAUSE STARTED MAKING NOISE AND DAMAGED ITSELF. Blah blah blah. Total blatant lies.

We went back and forth a couple times until I had enough of their lies and asked [color:"blue"]why would the police officer put in his report that you admitted to causing the damage and agreed to reimburse us for the repairs? Ooops - he forgot he said that and he didn't get a copy of the police report. It was pretty straightforward from that point - the judge decided in our favor and then further recommended to the uncle that he pay me ASAP as if he didn't I could call him back into court to disclose all of his assets, have his new car repo'd and other belongings to settle the judgment. The judge referred to his own two teenage sons that if one breaks something that belongs to the other son that they are resopnsible to fix or reimburse the other. Didn't I say that the judge had common sense? It is a shame that the rest of the world doesn't have enough.

I did get my payment in full several weeks later. It was a pain in the butt to do the repairs and I am still tweaking the truck to get it back to 100% operational. The final bill was (only) $1400 a pittance for the time and trouble. The best thing was the satisfaction that this money came from the jerk's bank account.

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Hi to all- well, if I wasn't in the hobby for so long, I'd say you guys were all crazy, no way someone would do that to your collector vehicle, but.....

Mall show. Model A roadster, that belongs to me, I round the corner and find a guy in the front seat, trying to start it. I walk up and politely, with great restraint, ask him to get out, it is my car, how would he feel if I was in his car and trying to start it. Why, he said, I'd call the police!

A show in New Orleans, nice Cadillac, I happen to walk by, a guy is hitting the fender with his wedding ring, saying "they sure don't make paint like this anymore". I stopped him.

My '38 Packard, went to a nice local show. Went for a walk, came back, passenger side door had been keyed. I was (somewhat unhappy) off.

Face it, when you bring it out in public, keep an eye on it; the general population looks upon the cars as "interactive entertainment", and think they are in the public domain.

Good reason to restore cars as drivers, not trailer queens.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

A show in New Orleans, nice Cadillac, I happen to walk by, a guy is hitting the fender with his wedding ring, saying "they sure don't make paint like this anymore". I stopped him.

My '38 Packard, went to a nice local show. Went for a walk, came back, passenger side door had been keyed. I was (somewhat unhappy) off.


With my 32 Packard I've caught a few people rapping the fenders to see if their real. Then I had other guys testing the shocks by trying to bounce the car up and down with his hand on the rumble seat step. Then he denies even touching the car when I asked him not to. He denies that he touched the car. His friend then backs me up and said he was touching the car. What idiots. I do stay close by if possible.

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Guest imported_CarFreak

I forgot to mention that I had an incident a few years ago at the CLC GN in South Bend, IN. A National Director from NY decided that the fender of my car was a great place to rest his rear. TWICE I had to ask him (his buddies figured it out after the first request) to remove himself from my car. After he jumped down from the fender he denied sitting on it. So it is not just the spectators who are idiots. Later that week he had the gall to tell a group of other participants that I was rude to him. Really? What would you have done?

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CarFreak, It would be a good thing to have gotten a digital photo of him sitting on your fender and send it to the president of the AACA (if that is the group you are talking about) and made an example of him.

I had a fellow club member lean up against our newly painted '58 Chevy at our local show. He owned several very, very nice MGs and I would have thought been the last person to lean on anyone's car. I asked nicely the first time for him and the lady he was talking to to please not lean on the car. He had the gall to tell me that they weren't hurting it. I told him in a very firm tone, "It is my car, not yours and I am now telling you to get your a***s off of my car since asking you nicely didn't work." He scowled at me but they moved away. Too bad, he off all people should have known better. I wouldn't lean on someone's rusted out clunker.

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ShopRat, kind of like this chassis judge at Asheville? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Dawn happened to take this photo.


Only the interior judge is suppose to/is allowed to touch (open the door to look in) the car. Chassis judge should not be using the car as a crutch to get up. That is what you have team mates for. I'll challenge ANY judge on the necessity of using a bumper to get up or down <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

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Oooooo!!! Busted!!! You are correct, if the chassis judge has a hard time getting up or down they should ask another judge to assist them rather than use someone's car for leverage.

One correction on who can touch the car, and I know you know this one. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

"The team captain will open hoods in absence of the owner."

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in the approx. 20years (can't remember exactly how many off hand and I'm at work so can't look it up)I've judged, I have yet been on a team where the captain needed to open the hood. That is the main reason I didn't think to include it.

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I just had to kid you a tiny little bit.

I have had to open a few hoods, mostly due to the owner being a judge and it raining so they left the hoods down. One time I did have to ask one of my judges to open and close a hood rather than me risking it. It was an older car, very heavy hood (one of the ones with the hinge in the middle), tricky latches and I have tendon damage in my right elbow and right wrist. This guy knew how to do it properly and is stronger and taller than me so there was less risk of damage to the hood or body of the car. He owned a similar car so he seemed like a good choice for the job.

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Guest Mark Golding

I just can not wait to show off my bus But you folks are pointing out a lot of stuff I have not considered. Like folks just walking into the bus and going up stairs to see what it's like. I'm not sure about leaving the doors open for all to just walk in, Invited is one thing Judges is another but the general public. Well I think I'm going to have to put a chain up someplace to keep the stairs closed to them. I'm hoping and working on getting the bus to my spaces in Hershey this year No and if and but's about it , I have been working along with the machanic to get the engine and transmission finished and the covers back in place and He's actually letting me paint the bus in his shop becuase of the delays he has been having on getting the bus finished. It was almost done this time last year only to put a fan blade on wrong and put it through the radiator. No Cores are any where in the USA and the one's I found in the UK are about $1000.00, Nope had to find a local way of fixing it.

So Hopefully Shop Rat when your walking around this year you will see my bus. Come and sit awhile and I'll have something to snack on.

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Guest Moepar

You may have to station a very large, mean-looking dog to sit in the drivers seat of the bus. May be best at detering unwanted bus-busters & works for dog cookies.

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I would've done the same exact thing. If you hurt their feelings enough, then they'll maybe be upset enough to where they won't even go near the car. If this person is that disrepectfull, then if this person chooses to avoid your vehicle, then that's not a bad thing either.

I'm sure there have been individuals in the past who have been disrepectfull to our vehicles who have seen me flip on the old drill sergeant switch that have walked away calling me everything but a white man, but after me jumping into the s_-t, they've remembered it, and I haven't had to tell them again.

They can call me whatever they want, but I'd rather be called some choice words, rather than have my vehicle damaged.

Hey Mark, just out of curiosity, how tall is that double decker bus??

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Guest imported_CarFreak

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">CarFreak, It would be a good thing to have gotten a digital photo of him sitting on your fender and send it to the president of the AACA (if that is the group you are talking about) and made an example of him.</div></div>

It WAS NOT the AACA it was the CLC. I did subsequently speak with an officer of the club and asked him to address this issue at a National Board meeting. I don't know if it helped or not. I won't have my cars at any CLC GN's for the next several years at least - more so based on location than anything.

Unfortunately I didn't have a camera or even a cellphone with camera on my at the time of the incident - I really wish that I had.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It WAS NOT the AACA it was the CLC </div></div> Thank goodness!! I hated the thought of it being one of our guys. Still disappointed that it had happened.

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good stories being only 16 i have even seen my fair share of stupid people.

you have to love the little kids who decide to run thier toy cars up a fender or the

guys who think if its there for show its thiers to play with. i remember last year at my chapters

local show i was showing an elderly(very eldery) lady the cars. she was hoping to see a franklin like her father drove growing up. didnt she run her hans up and down the doors and fenders. i didnt want to be rude to her or even worse disrecpectful so i just thanked god she had a light touch and no rings.

its tough at some shows i've been to when car owners just eye you waiting for you to touch thier car. but remember some "kids" have grown up around these cars and understand the time and money in them.

However i dont blame you i've caught people leaning on my grandfathers 1929 durant before and believe me i was not polite.

the best advise i can give is educate (with out threat) and put a rope around yor car

as extra insurance

ps- if some one busted into my car or tried to start it i would have them arrested

*a car is a car no matter its age and thierfor you are intitled to repair money*

-flaaca junior

-1957 chevy bel air

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laughing, it is too bad your wife just did not deck her, but then you be the one in trouble. People can keep there hands off of other people things, It the now generation. comptuers etc.

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went to the CNY mopar show on Sunday. Went out to garage to clean car tonight. After using the Car Duster to get the dust off i notice 2 decent scraps in the trunk lid. Somebody sat something on it and dragged it across the lid. Now it needs to repainted(they are thru the clear) This is the car i was taking to the MoparNats. Its bad enought i am not taking this car.

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