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car songs...need help!

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Guest Randy Berger

You probably mean "Buick 59" by Vernon Green and the Medallions.

They also had a record out called "I'm Speedin'" where Green did all the

tire screeching sound effects. It ends by a cop pulling them over and

asking to see his license. Buick 59 is uptempo - pretty good record.

Vernon Green died within the last couple of years.

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To Randy Berger: Nope, I don't mean Buick 59.....don't think I ever heard it even, as that was after my time (teenage time)....I got married in '59. I never heard Buick 49, or 1949 Buick, or whatever it was, but was only told about it by a teenage buddy, around 1954-55......there may never have even been such a song, but if there was, it was around the time of Hank Ballard, one of the earliest of the '50s Rhythem & Blues groups were recording. Since I don't know more, it's a non-starter....if you want to attract the younger generation, probably the Alan Jackson song (Gonna buy me a Mercury) of only a couple years ago is the most recognizable. On the other hand Maybelline is a Classic, probably known by almost everyone.

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Guest De Soto Frank

I'll cast a second vote for "Route 66"...

Preferably Nat Cole's version or Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters...

A good "middle-of-the road" song that evokes the golden age of auto travel, w/o "favoring" a given make or model...

Did someone already suggest a spot on the site to set-up a "juke-box" of car songs?

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Guest invicta592

I used Buick 59 on a little web page I knocked up for the "Me and my Buick" forum in the BCA section. If you want a listen, my page is here

Apologies if it gets a bandwidth exceeded msg, but you know how it is with free webspace.... frown.gif

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Frank, what a <span style="font-weight: bold">great</span> idea of a juke box with car songs!! Not sure if this can be done but it is worth exploring...will let you know!

Dave, sadly I was not being facetious. Compared to some of the Chuck Berry car songs and Mustang Sally it is a little slow. However, I have sent it to our committee to review.

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<span style="font-style: italic">Buick 59</span> was originally released in September 1954 by The Medallions. It was based on a very racy R&B cut titled <span style="font-style: italic">Rocket 69</span> (And I thought <span style="font-style: italic">that</span> was only invented in the 1960's! smirk.gif). It's considered to be one of the great pioneering doo-wop cuts. It was re-released in 1959 (for obvious marketing reasons), and was one of those very rare songs (maybe 5 total, outside of Christmas tunes, like <span style="font-style: italic">Nights in White Satin</span>) that broke into the top 40 pop charts twice in differing years!

That re-charting precipitated another car-based cut from The Medallions (really just a name used by Vernon Green for whatever singers were with him at the time) titled <span style="font-style: italic">59 Volvo</span>. Predictably it didn't do as well.

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Steve, Terry, et al ?

There are at least two places that you can listen to Car music on the Internet that I know of. One is on the Brass-Nickel Touring Region web page and the other is the Junior AACA web page. Both have a section called Car Tunes. There are currently about 80 songs running on both. Some have been suggested here.

I am in the process of re-doing both sections. I started with the Brass-Nickel so it is the most current. I am having problems with a couple of songs so they might sound like the Chipmunks recorded them. Sorry about that but I am trying to fix that problem.

1. To access the songs on the Brass-Nickel page, go to the section named Car Tunes. There are actually two separate pages. The first is from 1900-1940s. The second is from 1950 and up. The songs can be listened to one by one by clicking on the audio player (does require Flash to be installed in order to work properly). Or, if you prefer, you can listen to a jukebox as background music while you surf the web. (Caution here ? a pop up will have to open if you want to use to the background option).

Steve - I believe about 80% of what is on the first Car Tunes page is in the public domain. Of course, that depends on exactly which definition of public domain you are following.

2. To access the songs on the Junior AACA page, go to the section called Stop, Look, and Listen. This is the multi-media section. Besides music, this section has automobile radio commercials from 1926 up, videos (some excellent early footage), and television spots.

Like I said, I am currently working on the above pages ? editing and adding new stuff - so everything might not work just right ? just yet!


PS ? If you want to listen to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and My Mother the Car themes, stop by the Stars Cars section on the Junior page. Also featured is the Batmobile, the Munster cars, the General Lee, and Herbie.

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<img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> Wow, do I feel stupid! Forgot all about the Junior page! I just found out that a major player in our hobby has also plans of having car tunes on their site in a whole new way. More to come in the future. Thanks Judy!

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To All: Dave Moon has probably solved my mystery, in that I heard of a song in 1954-55 that I had thought was called Buick49. Obviously it must have been Buick59.....I just can't figure out why they named it that in 1954. It wasn't until late 1954 that I really started to become aware of R&B, jitterbugging and DooWop songs. Still remember the name of the first 45 RPM record I bought at the time....calle "Ling Ting Tong".

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Dynaflash8 You know everybody is doing a search on "Ling Ting Tong" not to mention the Five Keys or The Charms. Very powerfull lyrics, now I need to find the music and put the whole thing together. This is great,hearing about these old tunes.

Wait till kathi finds out I'm going to start collecting 45's and old sheet music. Need to build another stall!

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"Ling, Ting, Tong" (1955) by the Charms, Deluxe Records #6076, worth $50 in near mint condition.

"Ling, Ting, Tong" (1954) by the Five Keys, Capitol Records #F-2945, worth $40 in near mint condition.

The Five Keys' version is available on Rhino Records' <span style="font-style: italic">The Doo Wop Box Volume 2</span> (disc 1, track 15).


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Dave Moon said: "Ling, Ting, Tong" (1954) by the Five Keys, Capitol Records #F-2945, worth $40 in near mint condition.

Wow, who can I sell it to for $40? Though I doubt mine is in "mint condition" I think I still have it in my box of old 45s at the Florida place. I definitely still do have "Mary Lou" by Young Jesse. Heck we could start a whole new thread....I need a new copy of "Adorable" by the Turbins and "It's Obdacious" on Decca because my kids ruined those to years ago and they skip. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I like the idea of the "Juke Box" Steve....that's a great idea.

"1955/1956" My Heyday when the "joint was jumpin'" <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Brass-Nickel is currently running a Car Tunes jukebox now with about 80 songs.


It is set up to shuffle the songs in a random order. But you can set it to play chronologically if you prefer. It will take a few minutes to load and shuffle that many songs. But once it's loaded, you can play it while you surf the Net.

Go to Brass-Nickel web page and then click on CarTunes. To open the jukebox, click on the big red [color:"red"] HERE.

That's all there is to it. Enjoy!

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So there we are, tooling down the road listening to a local oldies station when they start a special program "Great Old Car Songs" today. We were out on a Sunday drive with some friends with their old cars.

When what comes on but the song that freaks Bill out. "Tell Laura I Love Her". I thought he was going to run the PT Cruiser in the ditch. Thank heavens it did not come on while we were pulling into the pits at the racetrack yesterday, the racecar would have never been unloaded. The two worst wrecks on the track he ever had back in the sixties were when that song was playing as he drove into the pits before the races.

Racecar drivers sure are a superstitious bunch. grin.gifwink.gifgrin.gif

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Oh! I forgot to ask - can any one name some car songs from the 1930s, 1940s or 1980s? Thanks in advance. </div></div>

1938, <span style="font-style: italic">Terreplane Blues</span> by Robert Johnson

1982, <span style="font-style: italic">Merc Man</span> by Kim Carnes (lp track but very good)

1991, <span style="font-style: italic">'64 Ford</span> by Phranc (again a very good lp/cd track)

1987, <span style="font-style: italic">Go 'Lil Camaro, Go</span> by the Ramones (good lp punk rock track)

1983, <span style="font-style: italic">Hot Rod Gang</span> by the Stray Cats (rockabilly)

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Thanks for the suggestions. I uploaded all but Merc Man into the Junior juke box today.

I also included -

Buick 59 by the Medallions

Maybellene by Chuck Berry

Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett

Any ideas for the 1940s?

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Guest De Soto Frank

Does anybody ever recollect hearing or seeing sheet music for a song which had a title (or chorus) to the effect:

"Roll-Royce Papa, yo' Tin-Lizzie Mama Gonna Haul You Home! "....

Unless I completely fabricated this in my sub-concious ( I don't think I'm THAT creative), I think this was a 1930's blues ditty...

Ring any bells ?

BTW - the juke box on the Junior page is GREAT ! cool.gif

( I still can't get over "Since Henry Ford Apologized to Me"... shocked.gif ! )

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I believe those lyrics are from an old blues "race record" <span style="font-style: italic">Rolls-Royce Papa</span> (1926), Vocalion #1032, by Virginia Liston. If so it's available on this cd.


24T42, I'm still scratching my head for '40s songs. That's an era I do not collect much.

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I was able to find a copy of Rolls Royce Papa on-line that you can listen to. It is in a real audio format.

Rolls Royce Papa by Virginia Liston

Once the page loads, scroll down to the title. It isn't the clearest copy but is the only one that I could find that you could listen to on-line.


Thanks for working on the 1940s Car Tunes. I have only been able to come up with one - The Automobile Song by Benny Bell.

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Guest De Soto Frank


Thanks so much for that link ! I almost had tears of joy welling-up as I listened...(yeah, I've got a soft streak that way when the nostalgia bug bites crazy.gif).

I'd heard Virginia Liston before, singing "You've got the right key, but the wrong keyhole..."

I'm comforted to know that I wasn't starting to imagine "songs that never were"...

Cheers ! grin.gif

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Great thread everyone...I still want to get songs on our new site. You folks got me to thinking about a favorite record from my teenage years and I just found it one Amazon and it is new. Now to get it into CD format...it was a alblum from a folk singing group called Joe & Eddie who mixed folk songs, show tunes etc with gospel. I had an eclectic taste as a kid! Still do... <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Glad you enjoyed it and that I could find the link for you.


OK - I need some help here!! Anyone speak German? I found this song earlier today but unfortunately it is in German. It was recorded in 1909. I know it is about an automobile but ....

Here is the link (I have not yet loaded into the Jukebox on the Junior AACA web page because I am in the process of redesigning the songs by decades). Remember in order to use the audio player, Flash must be installed on your computer.

1909 - Autoduett aus Hochparterre

Thanks in advance.

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Guest sixpack2639

Frank, You don't happen to have the lyrics in print do you? I can translate if you do. The name of the song, "Autoduett aus Hochparterre", in English is "Auto Duet from Raised Ground Floor". It is a literal translation though. Could very well mean "Auto Duet from the Stage". Carl

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This is upbeat and instrumental.... Theme from Sanford and Son...! I play the tune in with my other car tunes at car shows. When the Sanford and Son song cranks up I request that all car nuts rise and place their hand over their chest and let out a yell call'n the name of Sandfords wife...!!! It's my own junk yard dog salute.

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Here is a car song that can't be too familiar. The lyrics of the song are located at this site:

Stanley Song

And there is also short video clip that features Mickey Rooney and I believe a Model 70 Stanley from the Movie Summer Holiday singing the Stanley song:

Video Clip from "Summer Holiday"

Has anyone ever seen this movie? I wonder where the car is now.


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TRANSFUSION was a hit song in June, 1956. How do I know? It was on the car radio the one week I had between High School graduation and starting the first day of my exciting 37 years working for Uncle Sam. The singer was in fact Nervous Norvis, and it was in fact a crazy song.

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I've got the 45 RPM of MARY LOU at my Florida place if you want me to put it on a tape anybody. Couple trucker songs I can think of were Wolf Creek Pass (don't know the singer) and Six Days on the Raod by Dave Dudley. Both were C&W songs. Oh yeah there was another one about 15 years ago about a phantom truck in the desert, but I can't remember the name of the song or the singer. Anybody got the answer to that one?

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Steve, "eclectic" is probably an appropriate word alright, even though I probably don't know what it means. But if it means what I think it means, no wonder you didn't like the GREAT lyrics of Chuck Berry in "Maybelline" <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Dave: "Terraplane Blues" is as old as I am, and that's REALLY old, believe me. Lemme see, did they even have 78 rpm records in 1938, or were they still using those tube records? <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dave: "Terraplane Blues" is as old as I am, and that's REALLY old, believe me. Lemme see, did they even have 78 rpm records in 1938, or were they still using those tube records? smile.gif </div></div>

78's only, I'm afraidsmirk.gif, but I prefer the fidelity of my Robert Johnson box set cd. cool.gif

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