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DF'ers meet @ St. George's for lunch, Howars wears a KK hat.

Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Hello all, The DF gang had lunch at St. George's (no it did not burn down) The group had all of 5 minutes of a meeting and we all ate and talked and drank. We had 20 of us. Howard had on a fold up paper hat that would be worn by a counter person, on it were the KK logo and it said eat KK doughnuts.<BR>Some who were there:<BR>SalG<BR>rcirilli<BR>Ruthval<BR>Mr. Ruthval (aka Bob)<BR>Rick Lay<BR>ronbarn<BR>hvs<BR>Boeteger<BR>jac<BR>BruceW<BR>Rick Hoover<BR>PeterG<BR>Someone should have been appointed secretary and taken attendance.<BR>SalG<p>[This message has been edited by SalG (edited 02-10-2001).]

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SalG & DF'ers:<P>I am pleased to hear all of you made the traditional trek to St. George's. My original post about the fire did not say it "burned down". It was out of courtesy so you would not be disappointed, based upon the news report of last Wednesday on my way to work at which time a fire was reported.<P>It was the first time I attended the Annual Meeting. I was very pleased with the experience, especially, the technical seminars. <P>The only negative aspect was when John asked if there was any new business. I expected<BR>hands to go up all over the room to verbally express complaints about the AACA, the Museum project, etc., that I have read on the forum for the past 10 months.<BR> <BR>I drove home somewhat perlexed, but, totally pleased with an enjoyeable day.<P>Regards,<P>Peter J. <BR>

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I throughly enjoyed the lunch at St. George's and finally being able to meet many of the other regular DFers. It seems however that there is a descrepency in the number of DFers that attended. I gave thought on how we can avoid this in the future.<P>One idea is for someone to act as secretary to have a roll call and list all the names of those attending. This seems a bit too formal though.<P>Another idea is for all of the DFer's to tell the waitress that their order goes on Sal's bill (as they head out the door). Then Sal will have an itemized list to take a count from! smile.gif <P>(just kidding Sal) smile.gifsmile.gif<P>See you all next time!<BR>BruceW<P>

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Leave it it SalG to be the first one to get up and post the topic.<P>IT was really nice meeting fellow DF's at the St. George's. By the way Bob (aka Mr Ruthval) was told by someone that there is another St George's in Philly nearer the train station and in fact it did have a fire.<P>Looking forward to having PeterG post the pictures for all too see. <P>Howard look forward to your continued comments and any subject.<P>Ruth

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Ruth, you may have missed the pictures Peter already posted. Check the note on the aaca home page. You are one of the posted pictures!!! I think he started doing it on Friday. Certainly will have more to post after he hits the terra ferma in Arizona. Hey, that rimes. (Dan, can I borro your spel checkerr.?)<P>Chuck

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rcirilli:<P>Appreciate your detailed response. Again, this was my first time attending the annual meeting. As with most meetings, civic, business, and, so on, I only assumed audience comments would be heard with all in attendance.<P>Whatever, I am pleased that the forum comments have impact with the end result a better AACA and the realization of the Museum down the road.<P>Thank you, <P>Peter J.

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Guest rcirilli

Heizmann, That wasn't the place to bring that issue up but I assure you that a lot went on behind the scenes. It is a major project and while I think a lot needs to be done and I would have done some things differently there is hope. As time goes on I will try to update people that read this forum.<P>I will say this, The AACA forum does make an impact. If used the right way questions can be addressed. Having spent the better part of a week in discussions and meetings relating to it, I can say the museum will become a reality. There will no doubt be a lot of bumps and bruises along the way. <P>One of my responcibilities will be public relations and I will as an early project get more information on the web site. Keep in mind that I do still travel a lot with work but I will work with Peter to get things updated and added as quickly as possible.

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Sorry I missed the DF meeting, was involved in too many seminars/meetings. It was another grand Philly and Mike Jones and crew did a fantastic job. There were some wonderful new touches this year. Yes, the DF contributed in many ways to the success of the event - it's a wonderful way to get input. My own National Activities Seminar on promoting activities was an idea that came from the DF. Keep up the fine work - and I know that each and every one of you would bleed AACA Blue/Gold whenever asked - thats why youre on here to begin with and I appreciate it!<BR>Terry

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I'm sorry I didn't get to attend the lunch, but I managed to find time to eat a few other meals at SG. Why was I never told about this place before?<P>I think info like that should be provided to new (and not so new) attendees. It sure helped my pocketbook!<P>Of course, if Sal is picking up the tab, count me in for next year!<P>Jan K.<P>P.S.: I finally got to try one of those KK's and it was delicious -- even though it wasn't fresh and warm. Maybe it's a good thing we don't have any of those places in WI....<p>[This message has been edited by JanK (edited 02-12-2001).]

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There were some DFers who came and went and some non-DFers who were there and joined the fun. So what's in a number? We had a good time and good food (they sure make a good Philly Cheese Steak sandwich and, of course a pitcher of your favorite make the medicine go down!!)<P>Thanx to all that attended. As noted there were some first timers to the face-to-face gatherings that started earlier in the year. We have a very special group and more coming on all the time. Let's keep it that way . And for those who missed it - maybe next time. Father Ron grin.gifgrin.gif

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