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2002 Founders Tour in Wisconsin


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The Wisconsin Region is hosting the 2002 Founders tour. It will be a hub tour out of Madison, and our tours will extend out in all directions.<P>Plans are well underway, and the tour is shaping up nicely. Check out our Founders Tour page on our website at: <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin</A> for more information as it becomes available.<P>I address this question to those of you who may attend this Founders Tour. Are there any particular destinations or specific roads that you hope to see included on one of the daily tours? Wisconsin is a beautiful place with a lot to offer, and the committee has many ideas on what would be of interest to visitors. But we don't know what you might be expecting to see, so we'd like to know what you HOPE will be included. No promises, but at least it will let us know if we're on the right track!

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Don't overlook routing the tour through Monroe & New Glaris in Green County, America's Little Switzerland. Find an old fashioned cheese factory to tour.

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Dont forget House on the Rock, with all the nickleodians and stuff, the mechanically minded amongst us will be in Heaven.<P>The drive along the Wisconsin River is a great drive, I love going from Sauk on down. You can take the ferry outsidde of Devils Head by Sauk.<P>Just some ideas.<P>Bill<BR>

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