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Swap Meet in Virginia

Terry Bond

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The Tidewater Region AACA is holding their annual swap meet on Saturday march 3rd. Its at the Khedive Temple Activity Center, 645 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake Virginia. (Norfolk Va area). For more info and directions, or to download a registration form check the Tidewater Region website link under "local clubs" on the front page of this site. This is a small fun local type event and it's all auto stuff - we dont have crafts, household junk or beanie babies - just good car stuff. Last year there was a good 55 Packard and a 67 GTO sold in the car coral and some nice early stuff indoors too. Oh - and good food too!

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Terry, Is that South of the Mason-Dixon Line? Us Yankees do not get that way often. See you in Yankee country in a few weeks, Sal

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Just a small friendly little local club meet - about 25-30 vendors, but its the good old fashioned "clean out the garage" type market so we've had some amazing things turn up. Last year a 55 Packard and a 67 GTo were sold in the car coral, and I picked up a nice Rubes horn for a model T for $20. Oh - were gonna have Krispy Kream Donuts there too!<BR>Terry

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Sigh....<P>It must be nice to be able to attend an outdoor event in March. We have to wait until at least the middle of May to schedule anything without risk of that four letter word (snow) making an appearance.<P>Not to mention you're going to have those darned Krispy Kremes that everyone is going on about. I've got to get my hands on one soon. (Is eating only one even an option?) <P>Jan K.<BR>Wisconsinite for Life

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JanK - you've got to pay close attention to these posts on KKs. Most of us have so little resistance to the fat/calorie/taste attraction of these belly bombs that eating ONE is probably impossible. It's either none or a lot of them. grin.gif

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Wisconsin weather is tricky. We've had 50 degree days in July and 75 in February. That's what makes it so difficult to plan anything here. <P>That said, typical July/August weather is around 80 degrees, but generally humid. Of course, many of the roads we'll take you on are tree-covered, so you'll get some relief from the sun even if you choose to drive topless.<P>And my personal remedy from all that heat is some of our local microbrewery stock. We'll make sure that you get a chance to judge their wares for yourself. <P>If I'm going to have a vice that could result in a "German goiter" (read: potbelly), I'd rather it be a result of large quantities of premium dark beer than something like Krispy Kreme donuts. (Do I risk being thrown out of the club for making that statement?)

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JanK - now I'm really getting interested in the Tour. Do you think that a lot of people will be driving "topless" on the tour if the weather is hot? You may want to institute a mandatory T shirt rule for all participants, both drivers and passengers.

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