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Packard dealer key tag


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I was curious because the tag you pictured looked like it could have gone back into the 1930's a bit, at least enough for a 30's car in a show. I have a dealer give-away key-tag from the 1920's of which I had only ever seen two of. It is in the shape of the radiator with the Packard script and blue enameling in the radiator area on the front, the rear has "lock your car" also in blue enameling, the bead-chain goes thru a hole in the moto-meter shape at the top. I bought it about 18 years ago at Hershey (BIG $$$$) and never got the Packard I wanted it for...

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The tag picture was found at the packardclub.org site. On the back the tags had the dealer name (see attachment) like this one from Los Angeles. My Dad sold Packards from about 49-52 or 53 and I had one of these long ago. When I saw the image at packard.org I had a flashback and figured I'd try to see if there are any around since I just bought my car. Maybe it is older than around 1950, I dunno.

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There was on ebay within the last couple of months, I thought it was penny run through a form, It probably very specific to a dearship. It the only one I seen in 506 years on ebay. Good Luck Packard my handle on ebay, so that give you idea how long i been surfing that site. Joe

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