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What's wrong with this auction?

Matt Harwood

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Matt, where do I begin?

For starters, it appears that the $150,000 "Buy It Now" price is your only available option. So, it's not really an auction at all.

Gee, the seller has a "0" feedback rating. I have a hunch that he will never get above "0" at this rate! He's been an Ebay member since August, 2003, so it appears that he's not been terribly active. Has he been trying to sell this particular car on Ebay for more than a year?

A "classic indeed"? Well, despite the beauty and appeal of the 1937 Roadmaster, the CCCA has never recognized it as such. And why does Al Capone receive any credit for the style of these cars? (I know -- I'm nitpicking.)

My pet peeve is Ebay sellers who do an absolutely miserable job of presenting their cars for sale. For $150,000 -- at least 15 times what this car is worth -- I would at least expect a wash job. Oh, and the ladder lying across the roof would not be necessary either. Sure would be nice to see the grille, the interior, etc., but that's a minor detail. I'm only assuming that it really is a '37 Roadmaster because the seller says so.

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Guest Skyking

Hey Brian, are you sure it's a latter on the roof, I thought it was a roof rack grin.gif

The seller sures goes into detail with his description, tongue.gif I wonder if he will take $125,000..... shocked.gif I didn't see the counter working....wonder how many hits it took.

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Guest Shaffer

Possibly a bogus auction. He claims that the car has been garage kept since 1982. Even so, the car has "not" been garage kept for 45 years. That is a lot of "weathering" for a car. If it were a 70s or early 80s car, this would be great, but a car this old. I agree- If I expected someone to overpay for a car- especially $150,000 - I would at least get more and better photos, as well as a good cleaning and have more than "0" feedback. Personally I think it is ludicrus. smirk.gif

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Maybe we can get those Nigerians to buy it! They'll send a cashier's check for half a million, and the seller can refund the difference when they ship the car!

I e-mailed the seller asking if the price was for real and she responded by asking what I would pay for it. Hmmmmm...

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Hey, Matt,

Tell that guy that I would GLADLY pay $150,000 for it.

Jut ask him if he prefers 50,000 $3 bills (you know the ones with Bill Clinton's pic on them) or 10,000 $15 bills (Maybe they will put President Hillary on those? NOT!)

If that doesn't work out, tell him he can have his choice from my inventory: 2 $75,000 Yugos, 3 $50,000 Daihatsus, or 10 $15,000 Puegots. Of course, tax, license, fees and dealer prep are not included.....just like COMMON SENSE is not included in his auction!


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In all seriousness, someone needs to contact the seller and provide some cogent, respectful advice. 1. This may well be a Roadmaster sedan and these are desirable and rare. We as a club need to preserve as many of these as possible. 2. The owner is not knowledgeable about values and our assistance may help find the car a good new home at a fair market price.

Since the auction is over I could not contact the owner.

I have tactfully done this on several occasions over the years - and did not personally purchase very many of these cars. I was just providing information.

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Guest imported_TheColossusofRoads

Is the tire in the sidemount full-size or a "doughnut"? (This could account for the price being a bit on the high side)

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