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procedure for notifying club that members are moving ?


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Curious if AACA has an established procedure for alerting or notifying a "new local club" of members that have changed their address and may be looking for a club in the new location to join.

It seems that we may be losing members when then move when they still have the AACA national membership, but may not be familiar with local clubs where they are moving to retiring to....they might join a similar club not AACA.


Roger in Punta Gorda

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Roger ~ If someone still belongs to the National they get the magazine. In it are a list of Regions and their locations as well as the President's name. I don't think it is unreasonable to assume that if someone wants to join a Region badly enough they will find one. Barring that, they can contact HQ to get local Region info. I think it is expecting too much for HQ to chase us around the country.

It's snowing here tonight. Don't you really miss that? Better than hurricanes eh what? grin.gif

Howard smile.gif

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Another member brought this up several months ago in a phone conversation. As we get a little more sophisticated in our computer system we might be able to automatically generate a leter when we get an address change. Too many other things have to happen before this and Howard is right, we have two less staff members at HQ and it would be hard to do now.

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Thanks Howard,

No, snowstorms aren't too bad. I guess it HAD to snow for Halloween to happen in Cheyenne. It was 85 degrees when we came back from watching the kids in historic Punta Gorda.

Thanks for the info. I wrote because we are concerned about attracting new members that might retire in the area. It was discussed that some might just join another club just because they are new to the area and I guess they don't make the effort to find a AACA club like I did.

We are getting prepared for our 2005 annual Gilcrest Park show, but our storage trailer is a mess...it tumbled 1 and 1/2times.

But we are survivors.


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Roger ~ Have you considered updating your bio. You are still listed as being in Cheyenne and we know you have moved to sunny, windy Punta Gorda, Floriduh.



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