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Air Cleaner Decal location - 1948 Buick


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The 1948-49 Buick Chassis Manual shows this decal placed on the front of the drum at a 15 degree angle to the left of the front. It also shows the small red rectangle decal. The suppliers insist that the 1948 Buick used a large, semi-circular decal on the air cleaner. For the life of me I can't see where it should go. It really doesn't fit the top of the cannister where it looks like it would be intended to go. In all my days of seeing and selling Buick parts I've never seen a decal that looked like this one they say is correct. If it is correct, can anybody tell me where it is supposed to go?

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Guest Andynator

If I recall my manual (because I'm too lazy to go looking for it), some of the photos and diagrams are not clearly indicated? I seem to recall that the 40 series has the air cleaner pointing straight forward, while the 50/70 series have it pointing to the right, over the valve cover. Therefore, the required labels may be different. My guess only.<P>Mine is missing from my '49 Super, so no help from me. Sorry.

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Hmm. <BR> I am looking at the 48-49 shop manual ams fig 3-1 shows the 40-50 series while fig 3-2 show the 70 series. Note the 70 series has the silencer seperate from the air filter and on the very top of the filter(round part) you will see the sticker(on a horizontal plane) facing at an angle to the left rear and pasted SLIGHTLY OVER THE TOP but it appears the center follows the cuvre your supplier claims.this may be the unsymmetrical positioning you are wondering about.<BR> On the 40-50 series the sticker (is in a vertical plane on the combination silencer/airfilter at the location you described. <BR> So it looks like unless you have a Roadmaster the curved sticker is not used.<BR> Hope that helps<p>[ 04-24-2002: Message edited by: Scott W. Taylor ]

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Scott: I'm in VA at the moment, and I left my Shop Manual in FL with the car --- but I did not see the picture of the Roadmaster (mine is a Super) air cleaner. I wonder if every book is the same? Anyway, you and I see the retangular sticker, so the vote is now 2-0 for the rectangular one. Thanks for taking time to offer your help.

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Guest Andynator

Dynaflash - I actually do have the sticker on my air filter. It's right on top of the drum (duh). It is a black background with orange lettering, says "Series 50" and blah blah blah. Sticker is approx. 4" long and curved (well, shaped like a smiley face). Note this is a '49.

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