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HELP!!!! Cruise Control


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i have a 93 park ave. that the cruise works once in trip. it might work the first time you use it then the next the light will stay on a second then go out. the dealer put a new servo in and no help. they don't seem to have any ideas. please help! thanks, ed

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A Buick dealer that can't fix the cruise control on a '93 Park? No problem. Here's what you do:

1. Find another dealer.

2. When you get to dealer #2, show him the receipt for what has been done so far. Chances are, dealer #1 didn't go through the diagnostic "tree" as it is called, to determine the servo was good or bad, and was merely guessing.

3. It is probably going to be in the module that controls the cruise, not the servo, or the switch on the turn signal stalk has worn and the contacts are not clean enough to close the circuit. A technician can get another switch and hook it up to the harness before removing the old one. Then he can go on a test drive, hit the switch to engage the cruise, and if it works every time, the problem is definitely in the switch on the turn signal lever. If it still doesn't work, the problem will be in the module. ALL of this, of course, is based on assuming that the fuse that controls the cruise is good. You or your dealer DID check the fuse, right?

Good luck.


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