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vinyl top v/s steel


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Is the original painted roof finished in a contrasting color to the car's body? If so, I would be inclined to leave it that way. You gain the sportier look of the contrasting roof treatment without the maintenance and problems associated with a vinyl roof.

If your car was originally finished in a solid paint scheme, you will need to obtain the correct bright moldings that would have surrounded the vinyl roof where the roof meets the car's body. It may not be easy to obtain these moldings in good condition.

Vinyl roofs can trap moisture and cause rust problems. However, if I recall correctly, no portion of the vinyl roof on a '64 Wildcat would extend below the rear window, and this eliminates a significant potential trouble spot.

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thanks I thought these tops might hide what is going on between the roof/ vinyl. the color of the roof does contrast the body. Thanks for the info. I've been told these wew popular colors red body/ white steel roof - white interior, thanks again.

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