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Hoping Mike Jones sees this!

R W Burgess

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Been busy since I got back form Philly. I don't know if anybody's done this, but I'd like to thank Mike Jones for doing such a great job setting up Philly this year. Everything seemed to run smoothly with very few problems that I was aware of concerning the Trade Show or the seminar rooms. As a Web Site DFer, I'd like to thank him for the special room he had set aside for us. It was very nice and handy. I was late getting there, but I understand many Board members showed up too, which might be a first for a large number of them. I also helped run the AACA Web Site booth and Mike made sure we had all the chairs we needed. It was an active spot this year. If you had any problems, Mike had an immediate answer to them. The posted seminar schedule on the web site was very helpful. We all knew what to see and where to be ahead of time this year. Thanks go to Mike and his crew. My son, Mike, and I appreciated it.

Wayne Burgess-Northern Neck Region

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

I agree, Mike and his crew do a great job each year. Lets not forget Seth and Diane Pancost for all their years for work running the annual meeting.

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