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Philly Shop--Set Up!

R W Burgess

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Now Wayne, I certainly hope that you left your truck load of fish guts to home. If not, I'm sure it'll be making it onto the news by Sunday smirk.gif

If you're trying to promote the Forum, you can honestly say that the Forum and its' members have been around the world (or at least on the other side of it) ranging from the Atlantic, to the Pacific, to the middle east and back.

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Guest imported_klb

As a new AACA member, I'm wishing I was there, but that'll have to wait for another time.

In the meantime, I'll wish all of those there now a great time.

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Greetings from Chesapeake, Va Wish I could join you! Might just sneak up there tomorrow! It has been about a year since I've been in the area, and I'm going into Cheese Steak withdrawals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Bob, Pat, and all our other buddies on the forum. My crew just got home. It was very busy at our forum web site. PeterG would come in each morning, set up his PC and we wouldn't see him anymore. Peter put on 2 very informative seminars concerning the web site, e-bay use, and the setting up of a Regional Web Page. As far as our booth is concerned we had a number of Junior Members sitting around Judy Edwards each day learning how to use the site, along with their parents learning along with them. I'm sorry I didn't have time to talk to you, as I was also busy with my duties. I know we had a number of adult new users come by, check in, and sign the roster. The DFer's Luncheon was well attended with about 20-25 users, haven't had time to unpack yet and count the roster members who attended. I've got a lot of pictures to download. I met a lot of people in Philly. Sorry, if I missed anyone. The Awards Ceremonies were special as usual. I'll give you guys more details a little later. Wayne

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Though only there for 4 hours on Friday, it was great. Good to see many friends.

The DF lunch went well, I agree. For next year, I suppose there will be conversation to see what folks want to do. (Find a replacement for St. George's, stay at the Wyndam venue, move it to Saturday, etc.)

With close to 1200 thread views (2 pages) to discuss a DF lunch tells me it is a tradition that must be carried on...

Hope everyone has had, or, will have a safe trip home.

Regards, Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Made it back safely here....

Di and I had a great time as always at the Annual meeting. Glad the Dfers were able to locate a place for the DF lunch.. although the reduced lunchtime on the schedule saeemed to put cause a few to almost miss it by the time they left seminars that ran overtime. As Peter J. says, it has become tradition.

Mike Jones and his crew did another fantastic job with the Annual Meeting.

Was wondering.. did anyone else think the National Awards banquet moved at a much better pace this year? Di and I were following the awards in the program and we just seemed to be rolling through them. With over 50 National Awards, plus placement of new President, directors, etc, its going to be a several hour event. However this years banquet didn't seem to drag into next week. Was even time to spend time at the hospitality rooms afterwards without threat of the sun coming up right away. wink.gif

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Bruce, you and Di must have left early. It was 1:15am before I got to bed Saturday night, but I had some very good sleeping "tonic"! More of our members should visit the hospitality suites every year, as it is a very good opportunity to meet your board members one on one and find out more about them. They are very comfortable with all of us when they don't have to judge cars, put on seminars, or do other duties required at an Annual Show like ours. You don't have to drink alcoholic beverages either to have a good time at these suites. Later on guys, Wayne

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Stopped in at the DF Luncheon and had a turkey sandwich. Pedro was there, as was that Oldsmobile man pretending to be Howard. Pedro was across the table, and and Wayne was late as usual (for all things). Nobody knew who I was and that was pretty good too -- it's always best to go incognito <smile>. Chuck mentioned he was President of the CCCA, so congratulations are in order for him. It was a fun weekend. Hope this will be a good year for all.

"The Buickman"

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Di and I left the AACA hospitality room around 12:30am. (It had been a long day and this year we had to leave earlier on Sunday morning than we normally do) We first stopped by the JC Taylor room and then the AACA room after the awards banquet. A good portion of the time in the AACA room on Saturday night I spent enjoying a very enlightning and enjoyable conversation with Terry Bond. Terry is one of the AACA people that I have wanted to meet face to face for a long time now and only this weekend had the opportunity to do so. I am very glad I did.

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

I caught only part of the lunch, I was looking for my wife and daughter who went to the wrong area. It was a good location, with space for more people.

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We're finally home. It only took until 1:00 today (Monday). Good weather and clear roads all the way. Just the way I like it!

Vern peeked in on the DF luncheon, but Scott and I lost track of time in the Trade Show area and missed it entirely. (We were working on his model and didn't want to stop while we were on a roll.)

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Glad to see you, Vern and Scott made it home safely. Find a good spot to hang those awards. Hopefully will see you three next year in Philly.

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A great weekend indeed - ended too soon. The pleasure was all mine Bruce-really enjoyed the chance to visit with you and Di. We've got a lot in common and certainly think alike on newsletters - why I even used to have a beard (till it started getting gray). It's been mentioned many times before about the Philadelphia experience, but always worth repeating that the chance to get to know each other is just fantastic, but then thats what AACA has been to many of us over the years. See you at Howard county fairgrounds at the Chesapeake Region swap meet.


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As Terry said, it was a great weekend indeed. Meeting all my old friends and new ones is a pleasure. I would like to know who gave me this cold though. My son and I were both sick yesterday, me still today. Chuck Conrad has just about got me to join the Classic Car Club of America. All I need is a few extra dollars for the car. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I want to join the club in style. Just so everyone knows, Terry Bond will be working with the internet committee in 2004, so we can all expect some new changes to improve the site. That's it, back to bed. UGH!! Wayne

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