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Al's '55 Packard


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I have not gotten my copy yet so I am going out on a limb here, but I think it is a picture card of "THE DUKE", in front of the Rylander theater in Americus Ga. If so that was the grand opening of the documentary film "Briars in the Cottonpatch", the story of the Konoinia farm complex. If anyone wants a copy to watch just send me a tape, it is very interesting. RO: on another note with regard to that picture, how can I get that shot put into the upper left corner of my posts as you have???

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I'll probably have to wait till March when my January Cormorant News Bulletin gets here to see the photo. Must be the amount of snow this year and the dog sleds mail service is having a tough time getting around on the lake slush. My 2003 December Cormorant News Bulletin arrived on Monday January 26. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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47 clipper i just got decembers issue last week, so we should see it in a couple of more weeks, you know how our post office works, its had getting the dog sleds going this time of the year..

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